LXX. You've Got A Plane To Catch

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Chapter Seventy:  You've Got A Plane To Catch


Brooklynn and Eva backed up the gliders next to Pierce. The boys unloaded large metal trays from the back, and Sammy and Kenji connected a tow hook from either glider to the trays. Darius and Mae worked to get Pierce on the trays.

Freezing her ass off, Eva climbed back into the backseat of the glider, quickly followed by Kenji, and then the others.

The gliders started off slow, pulling Pierce—a kentrosaurus— to safety.

"How's he doing?" Mae asked from her glider. She had connected the two via bluetooth, letting them freely talk with one another.

"Pretty sure this isn't his preferred mode of travel, but he's hangin' in like a champ," Ben answered.

"The supply plane is here!" Yaz said loudly.

Mae's glider halted, and Brooklynn slowly stopped theirs as well.

It was silent for several moments, Brooklynn and Eva sharing a look, wondering what could have possibly happened, and then—

"A BRAD!" Yaz shouted.

The gliders once again took off, on the run from the robotic dog.

Mae's glider went up a small hill before colliding with Brooklynn's. Eva fell into Kenji's lap at the force of the crash.

"The airlock's straight ahead!" Mae announced.

"Come on, just a little faster," Brooklynn begged, guiding the lever forward before it broke, wiggling back and forth. The glider shifted forward, and Eva shot out her arms to stop her from colliding with the seats in front of her.

"We're on a frozen lake!" Sammy shouted.

The gliders glided left and right as they pushed forward.

"Uh, exactly how frozen is it?" Kenji asked, worriedly.

Yaz and Ben screamed in the other glider, before Yasmina muttered, "We're not gonna make it!"

The BRAD jumped on the back of Mae's glider, shooting multiple electrical blasts into the back of their glider as they screamed. It fired one shot at Brooklynn's, and Sammy jumped in her seat.

"The BRAD— it's gone," Yasmina announced a moment later.

"Oh, is everyone okay? Well done," Mae congratulated.


"He'll be fine once he warms up. Now, get out of here! You've got a plane to catch!" Mae said once they had moved into the airlock.

She led them to another airlock, revealing a grassy hillside dotted with jungle trees, and the ocean.

"We'll miss you, Dr. Mae. Be safe out there," Darius told her.

"Good luck!"

"You're the best."

"Thank you."

"Goodbye, Mae."

"Thanks for everything!"

The campers ran down the hillside, heading for the docks that would have the airplane. At the sound of jet engines, they skidded to a stop, watching as the airplane took off without them.

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