LVII. I Think I'm in Love With You

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Chapter Fifty Seven:  I Think I'm in Love With You


Eva's feet squished against wet mud, and she nearly fell.

But she couldn't. If she fell, she would die. The Scorpios would surely get her; it would tear her apart before she could even blink.

So she kept running.

Her heart beating out of her chest, her throat thick, her breathing hard, she continued on, fighting against slick mud as she continued to run.

She turned left around a tree, running for what she hoped was the direction of the boat. She didn't want to bring the Scorpios to the dock, but she also didn't want to be lost on the island, completely stranded from her friends.

And Kenji.

Oh my god, Kenji.

She tried to fess up her feelings, and then she just left.

Oh god, what did he think?

The Scorpios roared, and Eva jumped, weaving around another tree. She jumped through some tall bushes, crashing to the ground. Her knee stung, but she didn't care. She got up and kept running.

The Scorpios Rex was so close, she could nearly feel its breath on the nape of her neck, smell its stench of its past victims.

Eva pumped her legs harder, faster, tears sting her eyes as she ran.

Eva knew she can't outrun it, she knew she was gonna slip and it's gonna take her head off— drag her up into a tree like it's past victims. She knew she was going to die, it was just a matter of when, of how long she could hold off the monstrous dinosaur.

She slid through the mud, her chest aching with every gasp of breath she took, and stopped. The Scorpios was running right at her. Her hands shook as she stood, waiting, preparing to jump out of the way.


She lowered herself into a half squat.


She took a deep breath.


She dove to the right, out of the clutches of the hybrid dinosaur.

She was back on her feet in a manner of seconds, shooting off the ground and through the air.

As her foot came down on the ground, it caught on a root sticking out of the earth, sending Eva forward. Her hands stuck out in front of her, her wrist popped as she hit the ground, rolling to a stop a dozen feet away. Her head collided with the ground roughly.

She looked up, blinking slowly. The Scorpios was a few feet away, slowly stalking her, as if it knew she couldn't get up and run. As if she knew this was the end. And it was, wasn't it? Ripped apart by a hybrid dinosaur. What a way to go.

Her vision blurs, from a possible injury, or the rain, or the fact that she was still crying, she didn't know.

She lowered her head and let out a long breath. And then she closed her eyes, and waited.

I love you, Kenji.

Something nearby boomed— so loud Eva jumped at the noise, and she quickly opened her eyes, looking around for the culprit. In the distance, something big was on fire, and it was taking all the attention of the Scorpios Rex.

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