LXXIX. I Couldn't Be Prouder of You, Son

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Chapter Seventy Nine:  I Couldn't Be Prouder of You, Son


Darius led the way down to the med bay, where Mae was currently recovering from her injuries. They found her holding a golden spoon and inspecting her own reflection. "Spoons are weird, right? You're upside down in them until you're right side up!" She blew a raspberry eyes dancing around the ceiling.

"Are you feeling all right?" Ben asked nervously.

"Couldn't be better, all fixed!" she declared. "They gave me some thingy majiggy for the pain."

"Mm, yeah they did," Yasmina agreed. She looked to the campers, "I think we should hold off on asking her anything."

Mae reached out a hand, wrapping it around Yasmina's bicep. "No! Don't leave me alone," she begged, "This show is too scary." She gestured to a monitor that displayed Kash locked in one of the nursery rooms, banging on the plexiglass.

Brooklynn looked to Sammy, smiling lightly. "We'll go turn off the feed, so Mae can get some rest."

The two girls departed, Mae shouting after their retreating figures, "No thanks, I'll just have a salad!"

"Can I get whatever she's on," Eva said to no one in particular.

The campers watched as a BRAD pushed a flat of meat to Big Eatie, who did nothing but snort at it.

"Big Eatie's not eating," Darius said, saddened. "I'll go help her."

He left, leaving Yasmina, Ben and Eva with a stoned Dr. Mae.

Eva sighed, then began digging through the medbay looking for anything to wrap her foot with. She pulled open drawers, flicked open cupboards, until she finally found a roll of bandages and medical tape.

Eva sat down on the ground, pulling off her right shoe. Her sock stuck to her foot, which she had to peel off her foot.

Ben gagged, to which Eva laughed.

"What, I thought Isla Nublar beat all your fears outta you?" Eva chuckled.

"Eva, I love you, and I'm saying this with the most sincerity I can. Please wrap your foot, but wait until I leave, okay?"

"Yeah, um—" Yasmina looked away, "—This isn't like when I rolled my ankle. How— how have you been walking on that?"

"Spite, fear, the works. Come on, it's not that bad." Her ankle had begun to bleed again, much to her dismay. There were a line of holes on her ankle, where the raptor's teeth sunk into her skin, and little streams of blood spilled out of them.

When she rolled her ankle, her skin tugged and burned.

"Okay, it uh—" she chuckled, continuing to move her foot despite the pain. "It uh, definitely hurts."

Yasmina ran over to the sink and flicked it on, before returning to Eva's side with a wet papertowel. "Please wash it off before you wrap it."

Eva nodded and took the paper towel, slowly brushing it against her wounds. She sucked in a breath, trying not to cry from the stinging pain.

Ben shook his head, opting to head back to the dining room.

"Oh, you worry me sometimes, Eva," Yaz said, watching her clean her ankle.

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