LXXXVI. Just Kiss Already

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Chapter Eighty Six:  Just Kiss Already


"When Mr. Kon comes back, he's gonna want the rest of the control chips," Darius said.

Brooklynn nodded in agreement, "We gotta destroy them."

Yasmina agreed, "Yeah, and get rid of any blueprints or files so he can't make more."

Eva bit into her muffin, moaning at the taste. She missed baked goods so, so much.

"Where do you think the files are?" Sammy questioned.

"My best guess is Kash's computer," Darius replied. "Okay, Brooklynn, Eva and I will go to Kash's office and delete those files. Sammy, Yaz, and Ben, you go to the workshop and destroy those chips."

"Actually," Ben said, taking a bite out of his muffin. "I think I've moved on beyond pure destruction. I wanna be on Team Delete The Blueprints."


"What happened to explosions are my thing?"

"Hey, don't put me in a box. A man can evolve."

"A man?" Eva snickered. "You're fourteen."

"Fifteen!" He corrected. "If we really were on Nublar for six months, I'm fifteen now."

Eva shrugged. "Well, if you want to delete the blueprints so badly, I'll join Yaz and Sammy on total destruction!" Her voice grew deep and dramatic. "With my girls, sounds like it could be a lot of fun."

Yaz grinned. "What do you guys say to a friendly competition?"

"Like a race?" Darius and Brooklynn stood to their feet. "I say you're on."

"Ooh, I love that sound of that!" Sammy cheered. She rubbed her hands together as she spoke, "I can't wait to blow the chips and workshop to smithereens!"

"Or, maybe we don't start a massive chemical fire inside the biome," Yasmina suggested.

Sammy giggled. "Good call! I don't know what I would do without you! Camp fire on the cliffs outside?"

"We'll meet you, or should I say, beat you, there," Brooklynn said, already heading for the cave entrance.

"Losers roast the marshmallows!" Ben threw a pack of marshmallows on the coffee table.

"Excellent. We ready?"

"Set," Eva said.

"Go!" They all screamed, running for the door.


Ever since Brooklynn fessed up about her and Darius a couple hours prior, all Eva could think about was how cute they were together. After six months, Darilynn was finally sailing. Now she just needed to get Yasmina and Sammy together, and she could leave the island happy. Even after everything that had happened, she knew her best friends working out would leave her in a better place than she was now.

Yasmina, Sammy and Eva crept throught the warehouse in search of the control chips.

"Hey Yaz?" Sammy whispered. "No one is on the island but us, right?"


"And we said these repair BRADs aren't lethal, right?"

"Right," Eva chimed in.

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