* 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 *

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I snuggled closer into what I thought was my pillow, letting out a hum of satisfaction. I began to open my eyes letting them adjust to the lighting gradually, that is when I realized that I had been sleeping upon Ares's bare chest, my eyes widened in surprise slowly lifting my head from his chest a dull ache accompanied me forcing a groan to escape my lips. I sat up fully looking around the room I adverted my gaze toward Ares's sleeping figure watching as his chest rose and fell.

"I can feel you staring, Bambina" He rasped.

"Why am I in your room?" I asked pulling the covers closer to my cold body.

"Our room" he corrected.

"You fell asleep on our bed, while I was changing you." I felt the bed sink as he moved closer toward me.

"What are your plans today?" He questioned, as his hand captured my waist pulling me toward his chest.

"I have plans with my mother before she leaves," I answered sliding out of his grasp and making my way to the bathroom, I heard Ares release a small groan from behind me.

I looked underneath the sink grabbing myself some aspirin to dull my unpleasant headache, looking through my closet I grabbed a white patterned dress along with some dainty white heels. Ares stood behind me clasping his watch onto his wrist I turned around and studied his appearance, white button-up shirt not fully buttoned, rolled up to his elbows showing off his arm tattoos, and black suit pants.

"Claudia and Killian are in town for a little, and were hoping we could attend dinner tonight," I asked as I clasped my bracelet before sliding my wedding ring back upon my finger.

"Tonight?" Ares inquired, I nodded before saying.

"I know it is late notice, but she messaged me yesterday and..." I trailed off my sentence.

"You got drunk and didn't tell me?" Ares finished the sentence annoyed.

"Most likely" I smiled kissing him on the cheek before exiting the bathroom and grabbing my purse on my way out

"I'll be back before dinner!" I added as I descended downstairs to meet my mother so we could spend the day in each other's presence before she left.

I was sitting across from my mother in a small cafe we had stumbled across after we had finished doing some light shopping. I felt a hand placed on top of mine making me look up toward my mother.

"My darling girl, I need you to promise me something?" My brows furrowed but I nodded

"Open up to your husband my dear, he is a good guy"

"That's what you thought of father originally, look where that got you" I trailed off looking up at her mother whose face had morphed into a look of sadness.

"Mama, I didn't mean to upset you"  Aurélie shook her head.

"You didn't upset me, darling, you're correct aren't you?"

"Well, let's have a nice lunch before we get back?" Aurélie exclaimed, I  nodded feeling a little excited for dinner this evening.

We made it back to the estate, I went upstairs to get ready for dinner while my mother went down the hall to pack her bags I had offered to help but she declined and told me to get ready for dinner. I stood in my closet, looking at my dresses before deciding on a thigh-high black long-sleeved dress that cinched my waist the dress had a square neckline letting a necklace still able to be worn.

(Dress at the top of the chapter!) (without the tassels on the arms)

Ares trailed behind me as we walked into the restaurant my smile widened as I saw Claudia stand up and approach us. She pulled me into her arms kissing both of my cheeks before stepping back her eyes grazing over me.

"You look good!" She smiled before pulling us toward the table, Ares and Killian shook hands before sitting beside Claudia and me.

As dinner progressed we sat reminiscing about memories, I laughed about the time Claudia and I got arrested and Killain had to bail us out.

"You got arrested?" Ares asked as he drank his whiskey with a bored expression.

"Yeah some guys tried to take us... after a modelling shoot and we um attacked them" I laughed.

I remember other memories especially when we were teenagers and we had a pool party at Claudia's house and I remember how Killian grabbed my by my waist throwing me into the water.

"I remember that!!" Claudia laughed, Killian shook his head smiling.

"That is one of the things I remember from that night" I smiled.

"What about when you and Liam kissed?" Claudia asked, I paused looking at Ares from the corner of my eye his grasp on the glass tightened at the mention of his name.

"I don't even remember that" I let out a small laugh, I watched as Ares stood up.

"Unfortunately, we have to leave" I watched his hand grasp my own helping me up from the seat as he placed 4 crisp hundred-dollar bills onto the table.

"For the bill" I frowned grabbing my purse before hugging Claudia and Killian goodbye.

We walked to the car in silence, I was annoyed I could feel Ares looking at me before he spoke.

"Why are you annoyed?" His tone was blunt, I looked at him with a glare.

"I was enjoying that dinner!" I huffed "I was having a good time reminiscing over memories, why did we have to leave?" I asked continuing to talk about my annoyance about leaving early. I felt his hand grab my neck pulling me close to him, before smashing his lips onto mine a gasp escaping my mouth.

The noise of him unbuckling our seatbelts before pulling me onto his lap not daring to break the kiss, I moaned feeling him trace his finger along my inner thigh.

"W-what about the driver" I breathed my cheeks flushed, and he kissed down my jaw.

"He won't say anything." I let out a breathy moan as Ares sucked on my neck no doubt leaving a hickey.

"Go upstairs and wait for me" he commanded as we arrived home.


(This chapter has sat here finished, but I hated it and that didn't change Yolo)

This chapter is so shit, I literally cannot.
but do I care right now?
will I care later

I'm sorry if some of this makes no sense, I wrote this late at night wanting to get this out since it's been a while, this chapter was so hard to write and I'm still not happy with it.

But we all know what's happening next chapter ;)

I love you my darlings

𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑨𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏•Where stories live. Discover now