Six - Put Myself First

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Song Of The Chapter || ...Ready For It? - Taylor Swift 


I think I've gone crazy, I think I'm hallucinating and seeing things. Because that is the only world in which Rhys Sinclair tries to kiss me, blackmails me into telling him about my love life, and then asks me to date him.

"Are you out of your mind?!" I shout.

"Calm down, I didn't mean really go out with me." He explains like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "You're not really my type, Calloway."

"Then why did you try to kiss me?" I quip back. No way was I forgetting about that.

"Still thinking about me, huh?" He quirks up an eyebrow and delivers a smile my way. Its devious, in a somewhat charming way. Not that he could ever actually be charming.

"Don't flatter yourself." I deadpan. As if. I was the one who rejected him.

He sighs. "I thought if I hooked up with you, it would get under the other teammates' skin." He admits haphazardly.

"Well, aren't you a real team player." I snap.

"Can it, bookworm." He snaps back. Damn, touched a nerve there.

"Okay, so how get either of us what we want?" I question. I cannot believe I'm even entertaining this conversation, but the worry still creeps up in the back of my mind that if I leave now, he'll tell Garrett everything.

He swivels in front of me and props one leg up on his knee, it's like a whole new side of him has come to light. "Easy. We start a fake relationship."

"A fake relationship, are you serious?" I ask.

"As always. Dead serious." He quips with a smirk, there it is again. "Think about it, who does Garrett hate more than me?" No one. I wanted to answer, but I decided to keep quiet and let him continue. "If you're suddenly in a relationship with me, then boom. He goes mod. Madness leads to jealousy, jealousy leads to sexual frustration, that leads to you in his bedroom and—"

"Okay okay! I get the gist!" I sputter out while waving my hands in front of his face for him to stop. Seriously, this guy knows no boundaries. "Do you really think that would work?" I ask, seriously scared of myself for having any sort of hope in this crazy plan.

"If anyone could do it, it's you." He answers back. I feel warmth flood to my cheeks. Sure, I know that they aren't on great terms, but they spend a lot of time together. They're at practice, he sees Garrett when I'm not there. Does he think Garrett might actually be into me? It's more hope than I've ever had in thirteen years of friendship and I almost think it's more than I can take.

Still, I bring myself back to reality. "And what do you get out of it?" I ask. The odds of him wanting to help me out of the goodness of his heart are laughable at best, and non-existent at worst.

"Can't it be enough for a guy to watch his teammate squirm?" Rhys asks with a shrug. On one hand, I find that so hard to believe. On the other hand, Rhys does seem like the guy just to do something to mess with someone. Especially someone he seemed to hate as much as Garrett.

Garrett. Could I really do that to him? Could I fake-date someone he hates so much just to even have the chance of him admitting feelings for me? Am I really that desperate for him?

"Thirteen years, Calloway." Rhys interjects. "Speak now or forever hold your peace."

Okay, yes. Yes I am.

Making a deal with Rhys kind of feels like selling my soul. He stands up and makes a grandiose deal of offering his hand. I stand up as confidently as I can, feeling completely unsure in the decision I'm about to make.

But thirteen years, I could be happy for Garrett and his flirting, his hookups, even his girlfriends. But could I truly be happy when he meets someone that he loves? Someone that isn't just someone passing through. Could I go through another Elizabeth, one that was lifelong, and grin on the sidelines for the rest of my life? Could I sit there and watch him find his happily ever after, without even throwing my hat in the rings, just once?

Besides, it's not like I'm confessing to him. If Garrett doesn't do anything then I call the deal off. Then I know how he will feel. Once and for all.

I grab his hand and shake it.

I'm sorry Garrett, but just this once I have to put myself first. 

--------------------- -'♡'- --------------------

Sorry this chapter is so short!!! It was a quick one I wrote. I'm so tired right now but we persevere!!!

If you want to, please vote, comment, follow, etc etc etc ❤︎

Question Of The Chapter: What do you think the zodiac signs are for some of the characters?

I can't answer that you you just yet teehee :)


Yours Truly,

November Summers

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