Eleven - The Most Important One

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Song Of The Chapter || People Watching - Conan Gray


"Are you just going to walk away like this?!" Protests Lucas as he trails after my steps. Nick is close behind but far more silent. The air is cold in late September, a lot colder than I expected compared to previous autumns. The orange leaves pile up on the sides of the walkway as the night is only illuminated by the streetlights. I don't know why it was so cold, it was warm just a week ago.

A lot of things were different only a week ago.

"Garrett? Garrett!" Lucas pesters, waving a hand in front of my face. "Are you even listening to me?!"

I breathe out a sigh. "Yes, Lucas. I can hear you." I concede, my steps never falter.

"Then respond, dumbass." Lucas quips back. He runs up and stops me in my tracks. I can't help but roll my eyes at the antics. He's one of my closest friends, but anyone with half a brain knew he let his emotions get the better of him. "Aren't you going to do something about this?" Lucas questions.

I shrug, the strap of my duffle bag feeling heavy on my right shoulder. "What do you want me to do?"

This was clearly not a response Lucas liked. His face contorts into every form of enraged. "Something? Anything?!" Lucas objects. "Are you really okay with Annie, our Annie, going out with Rhys Sinclair?!" Why was that even a question? What was I supposed to do about this?

"Garrett." Both of our heads turn to Nick. He's been relatively quiet this whole time, apart from the occasional sigh at Lucas' ramblings. He looks concerned, but I suppose Nick has always been like that. "This is going to cause a lot of division in the team, more than there already was." Perfect Nick, always looking out for the team. "You're her best friend, can't you say something?"

Her best friend? "Am I?" I wonder out loud. She knows how I feel about Rhys, yet she still chose to date him. Worse than that, she didn't tell me. I don't know how long they've been talking to one another like that, but it was long enough for Annie to be comfortable with his arm around her waist. Annie tenses up at the slightest form of touch, at least she always has with me. Was Annie talking to him when she started tutoring him? When I talked about everything happening with the team? Was she talking with him? Flirting with him? Getting comfortable enough for his arm to be around her waist and she barely bats an eye?

"What are you talking about?! Of course you are!" Lucas shouts back, he's pacing back and forth like there's the ball of energy and rage that he can't stifle. At least it was comforting to know I wasn't the only one worked up by this. We were all friends, we cared about Annie.

"Look, let's think about this logically." Spoke Nick as he pressed his hands together. Ever the peacemaker. "There's no way that this thing is serious, right?" He reasons.

Lucas lets out a scoff. "Rhys? Seriously? Give me a break." He rolls his eyes at the mere possibility.

"Right." Nick agrees. "Rhys can't be stupid, he knows this would piss us off." he continues, the gears clearly turning. "What if that's his plan?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Lucas groans, planting his face in his hands.

"Think about it!" Nick shoots back. "What does Rhys love?"

"Being an asshole." Lucas interjects.

"Exactly. There are any number of girls he could go out with. But he just happens to fall head over heels for the one girl who has been strictly made off limits? The day after we tell him she's off limits? I don't buy it." Nick continues. Then it's like a lightbulb goes off in his head, but his epiphany filled face is slowly filled with disdain. "That asshole! He's completely using Annie to get back at us." He finishes. He seems utterly pissed off at this point, a point I don't often see Nick come to. "Do you think Annie knows?"

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