Ten - Girlfriend

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Song Of The Chapter || wish i could say - Kaitlyn Velez 


Waiting in the lobby of the ice rink, my heart was beating so rapidly that I thought I might be having a stroke. I checked my phone, hoping that Rhys maybe texted me again. We had ignored one another in our Algebra class at my request. The idea of Garrett finding out like that made my stomach churn. Still, I knew he would find out eventually. Which lead to the texts I received this evening.

Rhys: 8pm. Wakeford Ice Rink.

Annie: I know when Ice Hockey practice gets out, why does this matter?

Rhys: Be there. We'll tell the guys you know from the team.

Annie: Tonight? Like, tonight, tonight?

Rhys: No time like the present.

Annie: I can't. It's not the right time.

Rhys: We'll be chill about it. I'll be civil.

Annie: Why do I have trouble believing that?

Rhys: Trust me, Calloway.

Annie: Fine, I'll be there. Don't do anything stupid.

No response. So I stood there, it was now 8:20pm, I knew they would be leaving the lockers soon. All I could do was hope that this would go over smoothly.

I heard voices. But not just casual talking. It was shouting. I knew those voices. It was Nick, Lucas, and...oh no. Rhys.

I was frozen in place. I know about fight or flight, but people forget freeze. Why do they always forget freeze?

"Look, we're not trying to start anything. We just want answers." Nick. I knew his voice anywhere.

"Nick, will you stop beating around the bush and get us the answers we need?!" Lucas. I knew his voice anywhere too.

"I don't owe you idiots anything. Now hop off my dick." Rhys. I didn't realize it, but I could already recognize his voice anywhere as well.

Is it too late to leave? It sounds like they're in the middle of something.

"You heard us, we warned you, yet you still went ahead and followed Annie back to her place?! Are you kidding me?!" I hear Lucas shout from the locker rooms.

Wait, they're talking about me? Do they know?! Wait, they only talked about him following me back. They never said anything about a relationship.

"Where do you even get your information from?" Rhys questions, his voice starting to grate.

"Enid." Nick answers, I can practically hear him stepping in between the two of them.

And this. This is why I didn't tell Enid the truth. Loose lips.

I hear the door to the lockers slam open and Rhys storms out. He is pissed. Maybe they've been pressuring him for longer than I realized.

"Screw you, I don't have to tell you shit. Maybe you should actually ask Annie instead of taking it out on me during practice!" Rhys barks.

They took it out on him during practice?! I had no idea that they could be cold like that.

"Just tell us what we wanna know and we'll leave you alone." Lucas counters as I see him and Nick follow Rhys out.

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