Eight - Clueless

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Song Of The Chapter || pov - Ariana Grande


It's my fault, really. I shouldn't have forgotten movie night. Now I have to make it any sort of modicum of believable that Rhys Sinclair and I have started dating in the three hours since she first saw him. If she found out the truth, I would never live it down.

"What the hell?!" Enid shouts.

Luckily, my body works faster than my brain. I reach for Rhys' hand, it tenses up slightly at the sudden interaction, but it quickly relaxes.

"Enid, please don't be mad." I say in my best I-have-a-secret-that-I'm-actually-giddy-about voice.

Enid's shocked face turns to one of examination as she looks at the two of us. Her eyes land on our intertwined hands and her eyes practically pop out of her skull.

"Annie, you have got to be kidding me." She looks like she's ready to lunge over the couch and strangle Rhys. Or me. Maybe both. Probably both.

"There's no point in keeping it a secret now, babe." Rhys says as he takes his hand away from mine and instead wraps his arm around my waist.

Okay, that will take some getting used to.

Wait, Babe? That's so freakin corny.

"Surprise?" I squeak out. Not sure how excited to act. Not excited enough will blow our cover, too excited and Enid might kill me with her mind.

"I'm sorry, could you back up a second? I think I just had an aneurysm." Enid says, her eyes now deadlocked on the hand on my waist.

I give an apologetic smile. "I wanted to tell you, really. It's just that it's so new and I—"

"You what?! You didn't know how to tell me that you're canoodling with public enemy number one?!" Enid shouted, throwing her hands in the air.

"Number one? I'm honored." He smiled down at me.

He was enjoying this, the shithead. I sent a smile up to him, but my eyes glared daggers that might be able to kill if I stared hard enough.

"It's because it's new. Like, really new." I emphasized. I could feel Rhys doing his best not to let out a laugh. He really needs to sell this, I'm a bad liar.

"Really?! Like three hours ago new?!" She asked in disbelief. I was at a loss for words, she got me there.

"Not that new." Rhys said with a slight laugh. I peered up at him and was aghast. He seemed as natural as ever, I'm hoping he can put on a good show as well. "I've kind of had a thing for Annie for a while."

It takes everything in me not to let my mouth drop open. So we're just going bold faced lies now? Well I guess we already were, but a backstory is a whole new level. I'm worried I'll blow it, so I keep quiet.

Enid raises an eyebrow, "Really? How long?" She's intrigued. Not sold, but intrigued.

"Well, I noticed her at a game last year. You might have been there too, but honestly, I don't remember much but her." Wow, a line straight out of a romance novel, I'm impressed. "She always cheered the loudest. I noticed it, but I was too scared to talk to her. She seemed wrapped up with the other hockey players." His eyes look dreamy as if he remembers it like it was yesterday. "I thought my chance was gone. But she was there again, in not one, but two of my Gen-Ed classes. But she was there with Blanchard, and I was worried the two were an item."

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