4: Mrs. Jones

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It's Wednesday evening and I am exhausted. Our Physical Health Education teacher or in short, our P.E teacher made the girls run twenty times around the field and if he ever caught one of us walking, he'd add five more laps. Why am I exhausted? Because the girls in our class are lazy. The teacher made us run forty laps because he caught some girls slow down. Yeah that plus Lamar bugging me. Hooray!

Right now, I'm on my way home with Keisha by my side. None of us dared to speak, both bodies drenched in sweat. I was taking slow breaths while Keisha, she looked like she was going to faint and it's not like we ran now, we ran like an hour ago. Once I spotted my house, I turned to Keisha and bid her goodbye as she crossed the street to get to her house. She lives across from me.

I opened the front door and walked in, closing the door behind me. As I moved further into the house, the smell of freshly baked pastries lingered in the air and a smile crept on my face. Walking into the kitchen, I was greeted by our neighbor, Mrs. Jones, who wore her infamous baby pink apron with matching oven gloves, pulling out a baking tray with steaming hot chocolate chip cookies.

With a smile plastered on my face, I ran over to her and embraced her once she placed the tray on the counter. Something about her embrace just feels motherly. Everytime I hug her, I just feel safe. It's like cuddling a fuzzy bear, she's just so warm. I wish I could stay in her arms forever.

“How was school, sweetie?” she asked and patted my head.

“School was great apart from the tiring exercise we had to go through,” I answered and glanced at the cookies. Their sweet aroma was still in my nose.

“I guess that's why you stink. You should go shower before touching the cookies with those hands,” she said and slapped my hand that was nearing the tray. Giggling, I left the kitchen.

After a nice and hot shower, I came back downstairs and raced to the kitchen. There, I saw a plate with the cookies. Grabbing one, I took a bite.

Making my way to the living room with the cookies in my hand, I sat on the couch and minutes after, Mrs. Jones joined me and took a cookie from the plate.

“By the way, where's Shawn?” I asked.

“He found a job at a nearby cafe. He's there right now,” she answered. “Oh.”


“Mrs. Jones~” I whined.

“Come on, just one story.”

Every time Mrs. Jones comes to stay, she'd always insist to read me a story or even worse, sing me a lullaby to sleep. I really don't understand why she does it or where she got such an idea. I'm a teenager! A sixteen-year-old not some little baby who sucks on their thumb.

“Now, get under the blankets. Today, I'm gonna read Rapunzel,” she said and pulled out a book from behind her. I got into the blankets and covered my ears. Who wants to listen to a story they've read a million times before?

“I already know the story about that princess who let down her long hair for a rescuer to climb. Blah blah blah.”

“Stop spoiling.”

“What am I spoiling when I already know the story?”

“Just listen.”

“No.” I covered my face with the blanket. Twenty minutes later, I heard the door close. I peaked from under the blanket and saw that she was gone. Sighing, I uncovered my face and closed my eyes.


A/N: Do you like the story so far? It may not be much now but trust me, it gets better as the story progresses.

Don't forget to vote and comment down below. I'll make sure to read all your comments 😊

Anyway, stay happy and healthy :)

Love, KayKay ❤️

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