8: I'll Meet You Again

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My friends left after he visited. They were just as shocked as I was and made an excuse just to leave. Honestly, I've never felt so awkward in my life with him gazing intensely into my eyes.

"So, you still go to school?" he casually asked with crossed legs as he raised a brow.

"What? Of course I go to school. I'm only sixteen," I answered, totally confused over why he was asking such a question.

"Right, sorry."

My brows ceased. "No need to apologize."

He nodded his head and checked his phone for a moment before looking at me again. I tried not to blush when he suddenly winked at me. Weird.

Wait...Isn't the company all the way in Los Angeles? What the hell is he doing in New York? More specifically at my house?

"Hey, umm, CEO, Sir?"

"Please just call me Ethan. It feels weird when you call me sir."

"Sorry, but, Ethan. Don't you live all the way in Los Angeles? What brings you here? Moreover, at my house?" I raised a brow.

His eyes widened a little as he began rubbing his forehead. "Well, you see Elena, I had to...attend to some business here in New York. Yeah, and I guess I got lost, that's why I'm here." He chuckled nervously. I could tell he made it all up with the way he was fiddling with his fingers but decided to play along.

"Okay. Then what are you still doing here?" I asked and narrowed my eyes at him. He looked around, trying to avoid any eye contact with me. I tried not to smirk at how uncomfortable I managed to make the CEO in a matter of minutes.

"Shouldn't you be heading out?" I pointed out.

He quickly stood up and walked to the front door. I trailed behind him and watched as he was about to turn the knob when it suddenly twisted. We took some steps back only to be surprised when I saw my older brother come in. He closed the door and scanned the CEO from top to bottom before looking at me.

He looked at Ethan as if he'd known him and not like he knows him as the CEO but like they've known each other for a long time and are shocked to see each other. I suspiciously eyed the two. What the hell was happening?




"Can someone please explain what the hell is going on?" I piped. They immediately broke the intense eye contact they had and turned to me. My brother began laughing and threw an arm over my shoulder.

"I'm just surprised to see the CEO of E&W designers in our house. That's all," he said and glanced at Ethan who looked as if some weight was removed off his shoulders. He stood tall and grinned at me.

"I'll be going now. See you some other time." He waved and left.

I turned to my brother and removed his arm that was still over my shoulders.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do, Shawn." With that, he gulped.


"So, you're telling me that he's your friend?" I asked with my arms crossed against my chest. With a sheepish smile playing on his lips, my brother nodded.

"We've known each other for a while," he stated. I grinned as an idea popped up in my mind.

"What if you talk him into giving some of his products, specifically dresses," I suggested and looking at him with the best puppy eyes I could muster. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Please...I'm your little sister." I pouted.

He bit his lip for a second before surrendering. "Fine."

I grinned widely. "Thank you."


Ethan happily skipped towards the vehicle that was assigned to pick him up. He greeted the driver who was dumbfounded at first but greeted him back nevertheless. He sat in the car and began scrolling on his phone with a smile on his face.

His week started well for him. He finally met the person he had been wanting to see for a long time. He chuckled as he remembered the events that happened a few minutes ago. He remembered the shock on her face when she opened the door for him and how confused she was when he began asking questions casually.

He just wanted to see her again. To see them again. He made a promise to himself that he will meet them again. Even if it means staying with them for a few minutes. He would take it.


A/N: Do you enjoy the story? Let me know.

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