Chapter 5

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The rickety Uber lurched through the dusty streets, a stark contrast to the sleek skyscrapers Seokjin was used to. This was the heart of Seoul's hidden poverty, a world he'd only seen on TV. As they passed ramshackle houses and weathered faces, a pang of guilt stabbed at him. His wealth, his privilege, suddenly felt like a burden.

Then, disaster struck. The car lurched violently, the smell of burnt rubber filling the air. The wheels had exploded, stranding them in the middle of the bustling street.

Shame flooded Seokjin's cheeks. He apologized profusely to the driver, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes and a weary smile. Her name was Ahjumma Sun, and she assured him it wasn't his fault. But Seokjin knew it was. His weight, a constant reminder of his insecurities, had become a physical liability.

He couldn't just leave Ahjumma Sun stranded. He hailed another Uber, bought her lunch, and even managed to find a used tire shop nearby. Working alongside a burly mechanic, Seokjin sweated and strained, pushing the limits of his physical endurance. Every ache, every bead of sweat, was a penance for his past neglect and a promise of his new commitment to change.

Finally, the car was repaired. Exhausted but strangely exhilarated, Seokjin and Ahjumma Sun set off again. This time, the journey felt different. They talked, laughed, shared stories of hardship and resilience. Ahjumma Sun's spirit, forged in the fires of poverty, inspired Seokjin. He realized that strength wasn't just about physical prowess, but about the unwavering spirit that could overcome any obstacle.

As they reached Jungkook's house, Seokjin felt a newfound lightness in his step. The incident had been a humiliating reminder of his limitations, but it had also been a catalyst for change. He had faced his fears, overcome his shame, and found unexpected kindness in the heart of hardship.

Walking towards Jungkook's door, Seokjin no longer felt like a burden.

"Jungkook, you have guest,"

Seokjin's arrival at Jungkook's doorstep was met with a surprise far greater than he could have anticipated. Ahjumma Sun, the middle-aged Uber driver he'd just helped, revealed herself to be Jeon Jung-sun, Jungkook's mother.

Jung-sun's stage name, Ahjumma Sun, dissolved, leaving behind the raw reality of their lives. The "wreck" of a house, a testament to their struggle, stood in stark contrast to the opulent surroundings Seokjin was accustomed to. His father, sprawled on the couch, and his sister, busy with household chores, painted a picture of a family grappling with poverty.

"Seokjin, you came!" Despite the unexpected revelation and the humbling environment.

"Good thing, you change your mind." Jungkook's smile was genuine. He was ecstatic that Seokjin had finally decided to embark on his fitness journey, offering assurance, "To my workout plan, no one laughed at you."

But the fragile bubble of positivity was shattered by Jungkook's father's sudden laughed out loud. It was a cruel, mocking sound that echoed through the cramped space, aimed directly at Seokjin. Shame flooded Seokjin's cheeks, hot and humiliating. He had barely stepped into their world, and already he felt judged, ostracized.

Jung-sun, ever the protective mother, reacted instantly. A sharp slap met Jungkook's father's cheek, followed by a fierce scolding. "Treat the guest nicely!" she commanded, her voice laced with anger and protectiveness. "Ignore, this idiot,"

He looked at Jungkook, his eyes meeting the younger man's gaze. There was understanding and empathy in Jungkook's eyes, a promise of unwavering support. And for the first time, Seokjin felt a glimmer of hope.

Taking a deep breath, Seokjin squared his shoulders. He may have stumbled, but he wouldn't fall. He would use this experience as fuel, as a reminder of why he needed to change, not just for himself, but for the people who believed in him, even when he doubted himself.

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