Chapter 32

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A sense of nervous anticipation hung in the air as Taehyung accompanied his mother, Hyung-joong, and his step-brother, Hoseok, to their new apartment. Despite the strained relationship he had with his mother, Taehyung couldn't ignore her desperate situation. He'd secured them a small, but decent apartment close to Blue Mist, hoping it would provide some stability.

Hyung-joong, overwhelmed with gratitude, beamed at Taehyung. "Thank you, Taehyung," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "I can't believe you're doing this for me. After everything..."

Taehyung offered a small smile. "Let's just focus on getting settled in for now," he replied, his gaze flickering towards Hoseok. The young man remained silent, his expression unreadable, a stark contrast to his usual vibrant energy.

As they entered the apartment, Hyung-joong introduced Hoseok with a hint of pride. "Taehyung, this is Hoseok, my son. He's an amazing dancer and choreographer, isn't that right, Hoseok?"

Hoseok, however, remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor. He seemed withdrawn, a stark contrast to the spirited teenager Taehyung had glimpsed earlier. Concern gnawed at Taehyung.

Noticing Hoseok's weakness, Taehyung stepped forward. "Let me help you with those boxes, Hoseok," he offered gently.

Hoseok hesitated for a moment before nodding. As Taehyung took some weight off him, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. Hoseok, burdened by his family's situation, seemed to have shrunk into himself.

The silence in the apartment was deafening. The unspoken questions between Taehyung and Hyung-joong hung heavy in the air. Taehyung yearned to understand what had happened to his once-vibrant step-brother and the reason behind their estrangement. But for now, his priority was getting them settled.

On the next day

An air of nervous anticipation crackled around Taehyung as he led Hoseok into the bustling Golden Muscle Gym. Despite the bright atmosphere and Jimin's usual cheerful demeanor, Hoseok seemed to shrink further into himself, clinging to Taehyung's side like a shadow.

Jimin, ever the ray of sunshine, greeted them with a wide grin. "Taehyung! Great to see you! And who is this handsome young man?"

Hoseok mumbled a barely audible greeting, his eyes darting around the gym as if searching for escape. Taehyung squeezed his shoulder reassuringly.

"This is Hoseok, my..." Taehyung hesitated. He wasn't quite comfortable using the term "step-brother" yet. "He's looking for a job."

Jimin's smile faltered slightly. He wasn't oblivious to social cues, and Hoseok's discomfort was apparent. "Right," he said, recovering quickly. "Well, let's see what we have available. We could use some help with cleaning, maybe even some basic fitness instruction down the line."

As they explored the gym, Taehyung kept a watchful eye on Hoseok. The young man remained withdrawn, his silence a stark contrast to the energetic atmosphere. His gaze lingered on the members lifting weights and practicing martial arts, a flicker of something akin to longing crossing his eyes.

Meanwhile, a delicious aroma filled the air. Seokjin, who had just arrived with a fresh batch of pastries, beamed at the sight of Taehyung and his companion.

"Hey guys, check out these bad boys!" he announced, holding up a platter of golden brown croissants drizzled with a decadent pecan sauce. "Freshly baked, with a side of dark roast coffee."

The pastries were a welcome distraction. Everyone dug in, savoring the flaky goodness. Taehyung, however, noticed that Hoseok only stared at the food, making no move to partake. Jimin, too, observed Hoseok's hesitation.

"Aren't you hungry, Hoseok?" Jimin asked gently.

Hoseok shook his head, his voice barely a whisper. "No, thank you, sir."

The aroma of Seokjin's freshly baked croissants hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the tense silence that had settled around Hoseok. Taehyung, his own stomach rumbling, explained Hoseok's situation to Seokjin.

"He's my step-brother," Taehyung said, the word feeling foreign on his tongue. "They had some financial trouble, so they had to move out. I thought maybe he could find a job here at the gym."

Seokjin, ever the perceptive soul, studied Hoseok with a thoughtful gaze. He noticed the way Hoseok clung to the wall, his posture withdrawn, and his eyes filled with a haunted sadness. More concerning, Seokjin saw that Hoseok hadn't touched the pastry that Taehyung had offered him.

"Is everything alright, Hoseok?" Seokjin asked gently, his voice laced with concern.

Hoseok flinched at the sound of his name. He mumbled a barely audible response, his gaze fixed on the floor. "I'm fine, thank you."

Jungkook, who had been engrossed in a playful banter with Namjoon, couldn't help but shift his attention. He had caught a glimpse of Hoseok earlier, his thin frame draped in oversized clothing, but the interaction with Seokjin brought it into sharper focus. The boy practically disappeared within the baggy clothes, his lack of muscle mass a stark contrast to the gym's usual clientele.

And then there was the food. Unlike everyone else who devoured Seokjin's pastries with gusto, Hoseok remained untouched, his eyes lingering longingly on the plate. But it wasn't simple hunger that Jungkook saw in those eyes. It was a deeper, more complex mix of longing and deprivation. He noticed how Hoseok kept his gaze glued to Jimin and Namjoon, a flicker of something akin to envy passing through his expression.

A glimmer of hope flickered in the air as Jungkook stepped forward, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Actually," he said, "we were thinking of hiring an extra part-time instructor, or maybe someone to help with janitorial duties."

Hoseok's head snapped up, a flicker of surprise crossing his features. The idea of being an instructor, of sharing his passion for dance, seemed to spark a flicker of life in his eyes.

"I'm a part-time dance instructor," he offered hesitantly, "and I'm also a member of the dance club at my college."

A smile spread across Jimin's face. "A dance instructor, huh? That's perfect! Now I won't have to worry about covering classes when I have a personal training session."

Hoseok bowed deeply, a wave of gratitude washing over him. "Thank you so much for the opportunity, sir! I promise I won't disappoint you."

As they exited the gym, Taehyung stole a glance at Hoseok, a silent question hanging in the air. For the first time in days, a hint of a genuine smile played on Hoseok's lips.

"I like this gym, Taehyung," he said, his voice stronger than before. "And the people seem really nice."

Taehyung's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, things were starting to look up for Hoseok. 


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