Chapter 30

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A playful smile tugged at Jungkook's lips as he watched Seokjin flustered. Seokjin's confession, delivered with such endearing awkwardness, had warmed his heart. The sight of his usually composed friend blushing from head to toe, even his ears turning a rosy pink, was a sight he wouldn't forget.

However, the playful glint in Jungkook's eyes betrayed a mischievous streak. He couldn't resist teasing his lovestruck friend just a little more. With a feigned nonchalance, he turned and began to walk away, savoring the delicious blush creeping up Seokjin's neck.

Seokjin, stunned by Jungkook's initial silence and then further flustered by his playful retreat, sputtered in outrage. "Jungkook! Wait, a minute!" he called out, his voice laced with a playful frustration that mirrored Jungkook's own.

Suddenly, Seokjin's face broke into a determined grin. He remembered a playful trick Jungkook had taught him six years ago, a perfect way to counter his friend's teasing. Taking a deep breath, Seokjin called out in a surprisingly loud voice, echoing through the bustling crowd.

"Alright, Jungkook, if you're going to be difficult, then remember the five steps!"

Intrigued by the sudden proclamation, bystanders turned their heads, their curiosity piqued. Jungkook froze, his playful smile faltering slightly. The "five steps" – a secret weapon he'd shared with Seokjin years ago during a particularly mischievous phase – was never meant to be used outside his own teaching.

Seokjin's playful smile widened. He knew Jungkook couldn't resist a good challenge for long. "Step 1, Goal setting," he began, his voice a touch smug. "Now tell me, Jungkook, why are you here? What's your goal in coming to my place?"

Jungkook, cornered but not defeated, bristled playfully. "Leave me alone!" he huffed, attempting a stern tone that was easily betrayed by the smile tugging at his lips. "There's no reason."

Seokjin wasn't swayed. "Step 2, Action," he continued, his smile turning mischievous. "If you don't have a goal for being here, then what's the reason you walked away instead of joining us? Were you hoping I'd follow you?"

Jungkook, caught in Seokjin's game, threw his hands up in mock surrender. "Alright, alright," he sighed playfully. "You win. But there are better ways to get someone to confess their feelings than using a silly trick I taught you six years ago."

Seokjin's smug smile faltered slightly. Maybe his playful tactics weren't as foolproof as he thought. But before he could respond, Jungkook surprised them both.

With a swift movement, Jungkook closed the distance between them, cupping Seokjin's face in his hand. Before Seokjin could register the shift, Jungkook leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. It was a brief, chaste touch, but it sent a jolt of electricity through them both.

Seokjin's eyes widened in surprise, his cheeks flushing a crimson deeper than any blush his confession had elicited. He stood frozen for a moment, the playful banter forgotten as he processed the unexpected kiss.

Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle as he watched Seokjin, now a blushing mess that rivaled a ripe tomato. He'd wager Seokjin wouldn't forget the "five steps" anytime soon, especially not after being turned on their head. A wave of relief washed over him, a sweet counterpoint to the nervous anticipation that had been gnawing at him. This, this unexpected kiss, had finally broken the dam of unspoken emotions.

Seokjin, finally regaining his composure, sputtered a playful retort, "Alright, alright, you win. But next time, maybe a less... surprising confession tactic?" He couldn't help but grin, the lingering warmth of the kiss tingling on his lips.

Jungkook met his gaze, his heart overflowing with a newfound joy. "No promises," he teased back, before cupping Seokjin's face again, this time for a longer, more tender kiss. This kiss held the weight of their unspoken feelings, a promise of a future they could now explore together.

As they pulled apart, breathless and exhilarated, the world around them seemed to fade away. All that mattered was the spark that ignited between them, the connection they had finally acknowledged. The doubts and insecurities that had plagued them for so long seemed to melt away in the warmth of their newfound love.

The next day, a nervous knot twisted in Seokjin's stomach as he sat Taehyung down for a conversation. Breaking up with Taehyung, even with the knowledge of his own newfound happiness with Jungkook, wouldn't be easy. Taehyung had been a constant presence in his life, a source of companionship and, for a while, what Seokjin thought was love.

Taking a deep breath, Seokjin launched into his explanation. He poured out his heart, confessing his feelings for Jungkook and the realization that his relationship with Taehyung had been built on societal expectations and a comfortable routine, not genuine love.

Taehyung listened intently, his expression a mix of surprise and a hint of sadness. As Seokjin finished, a thoughtful silence descended upon them.

"Wow," Taehyung finally said, his voice soft. "That's... a lot to take in."

Seokjin braced himself for anger, for accusations, but it never came. Instead, Taehyung surprised him with a wry smile. "Honestly, part of me is happy for you," he admitted. "You deserve to be with someone who makes your heart race the way Jungkook does."

A wave of relief washed over Seokjin. He hadn't expected such understanding. "But you must be sad too, right? We've been together for so long."

Taehyung nodded. "Of course, I'll miss you. But seeing you so happy with Jungkook... it makes it easier to accept."


A sense of quiet pride swelled in Tae-woo's chest as he observed his son, Taehyung. Gone were the shadows of listlessness that had lingered around Taehyung during his relationship with Seokjin. Now, a vibrant energy pulsed through him, a renewed zeal for life that mirrored Tae-woo's own youthful ambitions.

Taehyung's modeling career had taken off. His focus and dedication were evident in every dazzling picture, every captivating runway walk. The recognition and acclaim he received fueled his passion, but it wasn't just the external validation that had transformed him.

Tae-woo couldn't help but notice Taehyung's newfound enthusiasm at Blue Mist. He no longer saw it as a mere side project, a courtesy to his former boyfriend. Now, Taehyung threw himself into the work with an infectious energy. He collaborated with Seokjin on menu ideas, brainstorming innovative pastries and meticulously researching exotic coffee blends.

The sight of Taehyung and Seokjin working side-by-side, their movements a well-oiled machine despite their recent breakup, filled Tae-woo with a surprising warmth. They communicated effectively, their shared passion for the bakery creating a bridge that transcended their romantic past.

Tae-woo realized, with a pang of bittersweet understanding, that his son's happiness didn't hinge on a romantic relationship. It stemmed from pursuing his passions, embracing his individuality, and finding fulfillment in the creative process.

This newfound perspective shifted Tae-woo's own priorities. He felt a renewed appreciation for his own career, a desire to explore new avenues within the fashion industry. The pride he felt for Taehyung ignited a spark within him, a reminder that it was never too late to chase one's own dreams.


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