Chapter 29

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A flicker of unease crossed Seokjin's face as he watched Jungkook turn and leave without another word. The forced cheer in Jungkook's voice and the emptiness in his eyes gnawed at Seokjin. Before Seokjin could react, Taehyung's hand clamped down on his shoulder, his grip surprisingly firm.

"Seokjin-ah," Taehyung said, his voice laced with a concern that seemed to belie his usual carefree demeanor. "We don't want to be late for Grandpa, do we?"

Seokjin felt a surge of conflicting emotions – worry about Jungkook battling with the excitement of the upcoming celebration. He glanced back down the hallway, longing to follow Jungkook and understand the turmoil etched on his face.

"But..." he stammered, torn between his obligations and his concern for his friend.

Taehyung's smile faltered slightly, a hint of understanding flickering in his eyes. "We can talk to Jungkook later," he reassured Seokjin. "Right now, let's focus on celebrating Grandpa's birthday. He'd be heartbroken if we missed it."

Seokjin hesitated for another moment, his gaze lingering on the empty hallway. Finally, with a resigned sigh, he allowed himself to be ushered towards the door. A nagging feeling wouldn't leave him, a sense that something important remained unsaid.

Taehyung's carefree demeanor faltered as Seokjin abruptly stopped, his gaze fixed on the empty hallway where Jungkook had disappeared. The concern etched on Seokjin's face was a punch to Taehyung's gut. He took a deep breath, needing to tread carefully.

"Seokjin-ah," Taehyung began, his voice gentle yet firm. "You love him, don't you?" The question hung heavy in the air, a truth unspoken for far too long.

Seokjin flinched, his eyes widening in surprise. He hadn't realized his emotions were so transparent. A wave of guilt washed over him, guilt for stringing Taehyung along, guilt for neglecting to confront his own heart.

Before Seokjin could respond, a surge of determination propelled him forward. He couldn't let Jungkook leave with unspoken words and a heavy heart. "I need to find him," he declared, his voice resolute.

Taehyung watched in stunned silence as Seokjin rushed past him, his initial concern morphing into a chilling realization. The truth, laid bare by Taehyung's question, slammed into him with brutal clarity. His feelings for Seokjin, once a source of excitement and validation, now felt shallow and superficial.

He hadn't loved Seokjin. He'd been captivated by the idea of being with Seokjin, the prestige and security it offered. But the genuine love and concern Seokjin held for Jungkook exposed the emptiness of Taehyung's own affections.

A bitter taste filled his mouth as he watched Seokjin's retreating figure, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within him. Regret, for misinterpreting his own desires. Disappointment, for the facade he'd built. And a flicker of something akin to relief, for the chance to step away from a path built on pretense.

A frantic urgency fueled Seokjin's steps. He pushed through the throngs of people leaving the building, his gaze scanning every face, searching for the familiar mop of dark hair. Guilt gnawed at him – guilt for allowing societal expectations and unspoken emotions to cloud his judgment. He shouldn't have let Jungkook leave without a proper conversation.

Finally, a flicker of movement amidst the crowd caught his eye. There, on a nearby corner, stood Jungkook, his back hunched over slightly, his shoulders slumped in defeat. The sight of his friend's dejected posture sent a jolt of pain through Seokjin's heart.

Meanwhile, Jungkook battled a storm of emotions. Regret, sharp and bitter, clawed at him. He shouldn't have run away. He should have fought for his feelings, confessed his love, and faced the consequences. But the image of Seokjin and Taehyung together, a picture of domestic bliss, had robbed him of his courage.

With a resigned sigh, he straightened his shoulders and started walking, determined to leave this heartbreak behind and focus on rebuilding his life. He wouldn't let his happiness hinge on someone who didn't see him in the same way.

But just as he took a determined stride forward, a voice pierced through the din of the crowd. "Jungkook!"

Seokjin's voice, laced with urgency, halted Jungkook in his tracks. He turned slowly, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs. There, across the distance, stood Seokjin, his face etched with a mix of concern and determination.

A surge of surprise jolted Jungkook as Seokjin's voice sliced through the bustling crowd. He whirled around, his heart hammering a frantic tattoo against his ribs. Across the street stood Seokjin, his face flushed with exertion and a hint of something... more. Was it hoping? Nervousness? Jungkook couldn't decipher it, but a flicker of warmth ignited in his chest nonetheless.

Seokjin's initial burst of urgency seemed to dissipate as he reached Jungkook. He stopped a few feet away, catching his breath, his gaze locked firmly on Jungkook's. The silence stretched, thick with unspoken emotions. Doubt gnawed at Jungkook. Had Seokjin merely chased him out of a sense of obligation, a need to appease his conscience, before returning to the comfort and security of Taehyung's side?

Just as these thoughts threatened to spiral, Seokjin spoke. His voice, when it came, was soft, almost hesitant. "Jungkook, wait," he pleaded, his cheeks flushing a deeper crimson.

The sight of Seokjin, usually so composed, flustered and vulnerable, sent a jolt through Jungkook. He couldn't tear his gaze away, mesmerized by the raw emotion etched on Seokjin's face. This wasn't the Seokjin he'd braced himself for – the Seokjin who would apologize for any inconvenience and then slip back into his preordained life. This Seokjin seemed... different.

"Jeon Jungkook, I... Kim Seokjin says!!!! I LOVE YOU,"


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