Chapter 6

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Days turned into weeks, and the rhythm of exercise and healthy eating settled comfortably into Seokjin's life. He was surprised by how much he enjoyed the burn of his muscles, the taste of fresh vegetables, the feeling of waking up without his body feeling like lead. He even started to enjoy the process of cooking, creating colorful, healthy meals that fueled his body and soul.

One sunny afternoon, Seokjin decided to take a walk in the nearby park. He inhaled the crisp autumn air, his steps lighter than they had been in months. He felt a newfound confidence bloom within him, a sense of self-worth that wasn't contingent on anyone's approval.

Suddenly, a familiar face caught his eye. Across the park, standing by the entrance, was Taehyung. His heart skipped a beat, the ghost of his old insecurities stirring within him. He remembered the flicker of disappointment in Taehyung's eyes, a memory that still held the power to sting.

Panic seized him. He didn't want Taehyung to see him like this, not yet. Not when he was still sweating through his clothes, barely a shadow of his former self. He retreated, ducking behind a towering oak tree, his heart pounding like a drum solo.

He waited, holding his breath, until he saw Taehyung disappear into the crowd. Then, with a sigh that was half-relief, half-disappointment, he emerged from his hiding place.

"I-i cannot face him," The incident cast a shadow over the rest of his day. He felt foolish for hiding, for letting the ghost of his past insecurities control him. But he also understood. He wasn't yet ready to face Taehyung, not until he felt stronger, not just in his body, but in his own skin.

Back in his condo, he looked at his reflection in the mirror. The man staring back was still a work in progress, but he was no longer the same― he hope.


Jungkook's concern for Seokjin gnawed at him as the clock ticked past his usual arrival time. "Something's not right," he muttered to Mingyu, his friend and colleague at the front desk. "He's never late."

Minutes turned into an hour, and Jungkook's worry grew into a restless knot in his stomach. He knew Seokjin wouldn't miss a session without a damn good reason. Excusing himself from Mingyu, he grabbed his keys and headed out, his heart pounding an anxious rhythm.

The sight that greeted him inside Seokjin's condo was like a punch to the gut. Chips and soda littered the coffee table, the remnants of a self-pitying feast. Seokjin, slumped on the couch, looked like a deflated balloon, his eyes mirroring the emptiness surrounding him.

"Seokjin!" Jungkook's voice cut through the oppressive silence. "What's going on?"

Seokjin flinched, startled by the intrusion. Shame flooded his face, staining his cheeks a rosy pink. "He's back," he mumbled, gesturing vaguely towards the window.

Jungkook followed his gaze, but the street outside was deserted. "Who's back?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

Seokjin's gaze finally met his, filled with a mix of despair and defiance. "Taehyung. He's back in town."

A wave of anger washed over Jungkook, but he quickly pushed it down. Now wasn't the time for anger, it was time for understanding. He knelt before Seokjin, his eyes level with his friend's.

"Seokjin," he began, his voice gentle but firm. "Remember what we talked about? The first step in any journey is goal setting. What was your goal again?"

Seokjin hesitated, his gaze flickering away. "To... to make Taehyung notice me," he mumbled, the words tasting like ashes in his mouth.

Jungkook sighed, a long, weary sigh. "And what did I tell you? That's not the right goal. This isn't about Taehyung. This is about you. This is about reclaiming your health, your happiness, your life. Did you forget the other steps?"

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