Chapter 22

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The morning sun filtered through the sleek glass windows of the Blue Mist restaurant, casting an ethereal glow on the polished tables and plush chairs. Taehyung, his anger simmering from a night of unanswered calls and texts, sat impatiently, tapping his foot against the marble floor. His eyes scanned the entrance every few seconds, his jaw clenched in frustration.

Suddenly, the door opened and Seokjin entered, a hint of surprise crossing his face when he saw Taehyung occupying his usual booth. But before Seokjin could even utter a greeting, another figure materialized beside him. A tall, well-dressed man in a crisp black suit, his broad shoulders and defined physique exuding an air of quiet confidence, stood beside Seokjin.

Taehyung's eyes narrowed, his initial annoyance morphing into suspicion. He couldn't help but be intimidated by the stranger's imposing presence, a stark contrast to his own fiery and possessive personality.

"Seokjin," Taehyung started, his voice laced with barely concealed anger, "where have you been all night?" Before Seokjin could respond, the stranger stepped forward, a polite smile playing on his lips.

"Excuse me, Mr. Kim," he said, his voice smooth yet firm. "Seokjin and I were simply discussing some ideas for Blue Mist. We didn't intend to cause any inconvenience."

Taehyung's glare intensified. "Ideas for Blue Mist, huh?" he scoffed. "And who are you to interfere in our conversation?"

The stranger remained unfazed, his smile unwavering. "My name is Kim Namjoon," he extended a hand, "and I'm a business coach and social media manager. Seokjin and I have been collaborating on some potential improvements for Blue Mist."

Taehyung reluctantly shook Namjoon's hand, his grip firm and assessing. He couldn't help but notice the way Namjoon's muscles rippled beneath the tailored suit, a reminder of the man's physical prowess. This unexpected element added to his growing unease.

"And just what kind of improvements require you to disappear all night with my fiancé?" Taehyung challenged, his voice dripping with possessiveness.

Seokjin, his patience wearing thin, stepped forward. "Taehyung, there's no need for this," he said, his tone firm but laced with a hint of exasperation. "We were simply discussing ideas, and Namjoon was offering some professional advice."

"Professional advice, huh?" Taehyung scoffed, his eyes darting between Seokjin and Namjoon. "Or perhaps something more?"

Before Seokjin could retort, Namjoon intervened once again. "Mr. Kim," he said, his voice calm and measured, "I understand your concerns. However, I assure you that my involvement with Seokjin is purely professional. We are simply trying to brainstorm ways to enhance the Blue Mist experience for its patrons."

Taehyung hesitated, his initial aggression giving way to a flicker of uncertainty. He wasn't used to people challenging his authority, and Namjoon's composed demeanor was unsettling.

However, his possessiveness and mistrust remained. "And where does this business meeting leave me?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of vulnerability.

Seokjin softened, his anger replaced by a pang of sympathy. "Taehyung," he began, "we can talk about this later when things are calmer. Right now, I need to focus on meeting your father."

He turned to Namjoon, his expression apologetic. "Namjoon, perhaps we should continue our discussion elsewhere?"

Namjoon nodded in agreement, his gaze briefly meeting Taehyung's before he turned to exit the restaurant. Seokjin followed him, leaving Taehyung alone in the booth, his anger simmering into a stew of confusion and hurt.

The Blue Mist restaurant air crackled with tension. Taehyung's glare at Namjoon intensified, his fists clenching and unclenching like a vise. Just as his anger seemed to reach a boil, the door opened, revealing none other than Taehyung's father, Tae-woo. Relief washed over Seokjin, offering a momentary escape from the impending confrontation.

Seokjin quickly introduced Namjoon, highlighting his business expertise and potential value to Blue Mist. Tae-woo, ever the shrewd businessman, listened intently, his eyes narrowing as he analyzed the newcomer. However, a hint of suspicion flickered beneath his gaze, flitting between Seokjin and Namjoon.

"Interesting proposal," he finally said, his voice smooth yet laced with a hidden agenda. "Perhaps we could discuss this further at my office. We have another matter that could benefit from your services, Mr. Kim."

Taehyung, already simmering with possessiveness, exploded. "Dad, what's he even doing here?!" His voice echoed through the restaurant, drawing unwanted attention.

Tae-woo's gaze, sharp as a hawk's, silenced Taehyung instantly. "This concerns Blue Mist, Taehyung. Treat Mr. Kim with respect."

Seokjin felt caught in the crossfire, wishing the earth would swallow him whole. Desperately, he longed to escape, but Tae-woo's words lingered in the air: "Another matter." Could this be his chance to finally confide in Tae-woo, to discuss his dreams that stretched beyond the confines of Blue Mist?

With a defeated nod, Taehyung followed them to Tae-woo's office, his anger simmering beneath a fragile surface. As they walked, Namjoon leaned closer to Seokjin, his voice barely a whisper, "Your fiancé seems...uncomfortable with my presence. Is that normal?"

Seokjin sighed, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "It's complicated," he admitted. "He can be possessive, but..." He trailed off, searching for the right words. Seokjin just sighed in defeat.

The tension in Tae-woo's office was almost palpable. Taehyung sat fuming across from Seokjin, his eyes narrowed at Namjoon as he meticulously reviewed the business proposal. Seokjin, sensing the hostility, shifted uncomfortably in his seat, wishing he could melt into the plush fabric.

Namjoon, however, remained unfazed by Taehyung's animosity. He leaned forward, his voice polite yet firm, "So, Mr. Kim, are you interested in exploring the potential of social media marketing for Blue Mist?"

Tae-woo, ever the businessman, saw an opportunity. "Intriguing," he said, a glint in his eye. "Not only could we promote our offerings, but we could also leverage influencer partnerships to attract a whole new clientele."

Excitement sparked in Namjoon's eyes. "Exactly! Imagine engaging food bloggers, fitness enthusiasts, even health-conscious personalities. We could create a buzz and position Blue Mist as the go-to destination for a balanced and delicious dining experience."

Tae-woo nodded, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "I like the sound of that, Mr. Kim. This could be just the boost Blue Mist needs."

Meanwhile, Tae-woo leaned towards Seokjin, his voice now conspiratorial. "Speaking of promotions, we have a vegan customer appreciation party coming up next month. It's a great opportunity to showcase our healthy yet flavorful options. And with Mr. Kim's help, we can ensure maximum exposure."

Seokjin felt a flicker of interest. He truly believed in serving food that nourished both body and soul, and a vegan event aligned perfectly with his personal values. However, the thought of working alongside Taehyung, especially with Namjoon present, sent a wave of apprehension through him.

Seemingly sensing his hesitation, Namjoon interjected, "Mr. Kim, I happen to be a certified gym instructor with experience designing healthy and delicious meals. Perhaps I could lend a hand with the event menu?"

Tae-woo's eyes lit up. "A gym instructor, you say? That's perfect! We can emphasize the fitness aspect of the event, attracting health-conscious customers looking for more than just a meal."


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Have a nice day ^^Borahae

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