Chapter 15

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Jimin, ever the mischievous one, spotted Jungkook's furtive glances towards the abandoned magazine on the practice room couch. With a playful glint in his eyes, he swooped in, snatching it before Jungkook could react.

"Whatcha got there, Kookie?" Jimin teased, flipping through the pages with exaggerated slowness. Suddenly, his eyes widened. "Ah, I see! Checking out the competition, are we?"

The magazine page featured a stunning photo of Seokjin, the celebrity chef, his smile radiating warmth and charm. The headline blared: "The Most Beautiful Celebrity Chef: Kim Seokjin."

Jungkook's cheeks flushed crimson, his secret crush exposed in the harsh light of Jimin's teasing. He stammered, "N-no, hyung, it's not like that! I just...happened to see it and..."

Jimin chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Happened to see it and what? Fall head over heels for his perfect smile and drool-worthy cooking skills?"

Jungkook groaned, burying his face in his hands. "Hyung, please!"

Jimin, ever the supportive friend, patted his shoulder. "Hey, don't worry, Kookie. I get it. Seokjin is, well, Seokjin. He's practically a walking Aphrodite with a whisk in his hand."

Jungkook, despite his embarrassment, couldn't help but smile at Jimin's description. He had to admit, Jimin was right. There was something about Seokjin, an aura of warmth and talent, that drew people in like moths to a flame.

"But seriously, Kookie," Jimin continued, his voice turning serious, "what are you going to do about it? This crush seems pretty intense."

Jungkook sighed, his gaze distant. "I don't know, hyung. He's with Taehyung, and...well, who am I to compete with the handsome prince of entertainment?"

Jimin's eyes narrowed. "Don't underestimate yourself, Kookie. You've got your own charms, you know. And who says you have to compete? Maybe...just can offer Seokjin something different. Something Taehyung might not be able to."

A spark of hope ignited in Jungkook's eyes. He looked at Jimin, a flicker of determination replacing his earlier bashfulness. "You're right, hyung. I can't just give up without trying. I...I need to find a way to show Seokjin who I am, what I can offer him."

Jimin grinned, his mischievous glint returning. "Now that's the spirit, Kookie! And who knows, maybe you'll even win over that grumpy chef's heart. Just remember, be yourself, be passionate, and who knows, maybe you'll create the perfect recipe for love."


The Seoul night sky shimmered like a spilled jewel box, each twinkling star a whisper of a memory. Jungkook, perched on the balcony of their shared house, let the cool breeze caress his skin, a stark contrast to the warmth that bloomed in his heart as he gazed at the celestial canvas.

A bittersweet ache bloomed in his chest. The memory of Seokjin's laughter, like wind chimes tinkling in the summer breeze, washed over him. The night, so similar to this one, when they had stumbled upon this hidden rooftop gem, a haven bathed in moonlight and city lights.

Seokjin, then struggling with his weight and self-doubt, had tripped and fallen, a clumsy tumble that should have been met with laughter. Instead, a wave of despair had washed over him, tears glistening like fallen stars on his cheeks.

But Jungkook, ever the beacon of hope, had been there. He had helped Seokjin up, brushing away the tears and dust, his eyes filled with a gentle understanding that spoke volumes. He pointed to the sky, that night's tapestry of stars, and said, "Look, Seokjin-hyung. Every single one of those stars started as a speck of dust, just like you and me. But they didn't give up on their shine. And neither should you."

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