Chapter 18

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The rhythmic clang of barbells had ceased, replaced by a heavy silence that echoed the turmoil within Jungkook. He slumped onto the worn leather couch in his gym's entrance, Seokjin's words still hanging heavy in the air like the scent of baking bread from a distant memory.

Seokjin's confession had been a gut punch, a stark realization that the gilded cage he'd pictured his friend living in was actually a gilded prison. The dreams they'd shared, the flour-dusted laughter, the whispered promises of Mushroom Dreams – all sacrificed at the altar of security and a love that, it seemed, couldn't fill the void left by unfulfilled aspirations.

A pang of guilt stabbed at him. He, too, had run from their shared dream, his own struggles with family and finances forcing him to choose a different path. But his escape had landed him in a world of sweat, callouses, and endless part-time jobs, a far cry from the culinary utopia they'd envisioned.

Yet, amidst the bitterness, a flicker of understanding ignited. Seokjin, burdened by the weight of expectations and the lure of stability, had chosen the seemingly safe path. He'd traded the freedom of their shared dream for the gilded cage of Blue Mist, believing it was the escape he needed. But the truth, as Seokjin had so starkly revealed, was that the cage had only added more weight, the burden of unfulfilled dreams compounding the pressure of Taehyung's expectations and Tae-woo's watchful gaze.

Jungkook closed his eyes, the image of Seokjin's tear-filled eyes searing his memory. He knew, with a deep and painful certainty, that his friend needed to break free. Not just from the gilded cage, but from the chains of his own doubt and the unspoken expectations that had him trapped.

Jimin, ever the sunshine after a storm, bounced into the gym, catching Jungkook mid-thought. His playful swat landed with a soft thunk on Jungkook's shoulder, snapping him back to reality. Laughter bubbled up in Jungkook's chest, the tension of his recent reflections dissolving under Jimin's infectious energy.

He retaliated with a mock stranglehold, their playful tussle erupting into a flurry of limbs and giggles. But before they could escalate further, a familiar voice cut through the air. Seokjin, standing in the doorway, held a hesitant smile.

The sight of Jungkook and Jimin, lost in their carefree banter, seemed to catch him off guard. He'd followed Jungkook, hoping for a private moment to confide in his friend, but this unexpected display of lightheartedness left him speechless for a moment.

Jungkook, cheeks flushed with laughter, scrambled to explain. "Seokjin, it's not what it looks like!" he stammered, gesturing awkwardly at Jimin. "Just...friend stuff, you know?"

Seokjin, sensing his friend's fluster, simply chuckled. "I see," he said, his smile genuine. "No need to explain, really. I was just...passing by."

His gaze lingered on them for a beat longer, a hint of wistfulness in his eyes. Then, with a nod and a soft "See you around," he turned and walked away, leaving Jungkook and Jimin in a comfortable silence.

Jimin, ever the observant one, nudged Jungkook gently. "He seemed...different, didn't he?" he said, his voice laced with concern.

The pit of emptiness in Jungkook's stomach grew heavier as Seokjin walked away. He felt a pang of regret, realizing his playful outburst might have been misinterpreted. Guilt gnawed at him, knowing Seokjin was already carrying a heavy burden, and his careless actions might have added to it.

Jimin, sensing his friend's despair, placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "He just needs some space, Jungkook," he said gently. "Maybe give him a call later, explain what happened."

But before Jungkook could respond, a sudden thunderclap echoed through the air, followed by a deluge of rain. He watched, helpless, as the sky opened up, transforming the streets into glistening rivers.

Something clicked within him. This downpour, a mirror to the turmoil in his heart, couldn't stop him from reaching out to Seokjin. He wouldn't let any misunderstanding, his own momentary lapse, or the pouring rain come between him and his friend.

"I gotta go," he blurted out, grabbing a jacket and sprinting out the door. The rain lashed against his face, the wind whipping his hair, but he couldn't be deterred. He had to catch up to Seokjin, clear the air, and offer the support his friend desperately needed.

Rain lashed against Jungkook's face, blurring the city lights into a kaleidoscope of colors. He weaved through the crowded streets, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs. The image of Seokjin, alone and vulnerable in the pouring rain, spurred him on.

Finally, he spotted him huddled at a bus stop, a slight figure dwarfed by the roaring wind. But as Jungkook drew closer, his initial concern morphed into surprise. Seokjin wasn't alone. He was talking to a young boy, maybe ten years old, the boy's chubby face animated with rapt attention.

Seokjin's voice, usually measured and controlled, was filled with an unexpected warmth as he spoke. He wasn't talking about fancy restaurants or Michelin stars. He was sharing the five steps Jungkook had taught him – the five steps to happiness.

Jungkook stopped, his breath catching in his throat. He watched, mesmerized, as Seokjin reached the final step: "Be happy." The boy's face crinkled in confusion. "But how?" he asked, his voice barely audible over the wind.

Seokjin's smile faltered, a flicker of sadness crossing his eyes. "That, my young friend," he said, his voice choked with emotion, "is the hardest part of all."

The sight of Seokjin's vulnerability, his genuine desire to share happiness with someone else, hit Jungkook like a punch to the gut.

The rain continued its relentless assault, transforming the world into a shimmering curtain of gray. Jungkook, his clothes plastered to his skin, watched silently as the mother approached, her face etched with concern. She bowed deeply to Seokjin, her voice thick with gratitude.

"Thank you," she said, her words barely audible above the drumming rain. "You've been so kind to my son. He rarely opens up to strangers, but you... you listened to him."

Seokjin, his face streaked with tears and rainwater, offered a weak smile. "He reminded me of myself," he said, his voice hoarse. "A little lost, a little unsure. But with a spark of hope."

The mother nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. With a final word of thanks, she ushered her son away, their silhouettes disappearing into the storm.

Alone once more, Seokjin turned, startled, as Jungkook stepped out from the shadows. The rain had washed away the playful facade, leaving behind a raw vulnerability in his eyes.

"Jungkook," Seokjin breathed, his voice thick with emotion. "I didn't see you there."

Jungkook approached him slowly, his gaze lingering on the tear tracks on Seokjin's face. The words he wanted to say caught in his throat, a tangled mess of concern, empathy, and unspoken questions.

"I saw you," he finally managed, his voice barely a whisper. "Saw you talking to the boy, saw you... crying."

Seokjin flinched, shame coloring his cheeks. He looked away, the rain blurring the city lights into a kaleidoscope of pain.

"It's nothing," he mumbled, his voice tight. "Just... the rain, you know?"

But Jungkook knew better. He saw the raw pain in Seokjin's eyes, the mirror of his own struggles reflected in the other's tears. 


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