Alternate route

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"Abandoning you?" I wasn't sure what he was asking, "I freed you,"

"It's the same thing," He replied,

"It's not the same thing," I replied, "What makes you think I abandoned you? You're a slave, don't you want to be free?"

"I have nowhere to go," He answered, "You threw me away with no shelter or refuge."


"You can always make a place for yourself when you're free to do whatever you want." I replied.

He grabbed the wash bowl out of the blue, "My Lady," He pulled it out of my grasp making me gasp, "Your tests have gotten a little too cruel."

I stared at him in awe for a second.

Tests? He still thinks that was a test?

Then I closed my mouth and looked down, letting out a soft sigh.

Well, I guess, this would be a normal thing for him to think considering my actions in this life up until now.

"Hael," I looked at him, "Are you upset?"


He took his time to think about it. Clever bastard. His replies are only to please me.


Hael was doing my hair for me, gently combing the strands while I sat on the dressing table puffy.

"Hael," I watched him through the mirror.

"Yes, My lady?"

"Don't you want to be a free man?"

"..." He raised his eyes from my hair, looking at the mirror to look at me, "No,"

I could help but let a sarcastic smile overcome my face. He's learned how to answer my questions. Well, I glanced at the pink gemstone around my neck. He was scared of this thing. Well, at least for now.

"I'm going to ask you a question." I spoke calmly, "And let's pretend you're talking to someone who is in a similar situation to you."

He let my hair go and continued to look in the mirror. I stared at the mirror too and we both looked at each other through the reflection.

"Yes?" His silver-gray eyes were trying to comprehend what I wanted to tell him

"If one day, there was nothing stopping you from being free, you are able to go anywhere and be whatever you want. Without ever being chased or without the fear of someone coming after you, you will go, right? You will go and be free," I gave all of my focus to him, "Right?"

The room got filled with a strange silence while we indirectly looked at each other.

"My Lady," He stared into my eyes, "You seem so," I knew it even before he said it, "Different," This was bound to happen. My questions and the way I'm saying things are different. I never said anything like this in my past life. All of my vibe must have changed and of course he's the first one to notice.

"Answer me," I ordered, "You will want that, won't you?"

"I'm done with your hair," He stepped back and cut off his gaze from mine, "Please come out for breakfast." And then he walked out the bedroom.

I let out a sigh.

Combing my fingers through my hair, I contemplated things. Maybe sending him to the edge of the city wasn't enough. I'll need to push him further away.

I stood up from the puffy and nodded to myself.

I can't stop here,


I went to the magic shop to buy things needed for my plan. Since I was planning to go further with this time, it cost me a lot but the good thing was that my family was well off and I got a good monthly allowance.

I didn't call Hael for the past few days and I could tell that he was suspicious of me. But so far, he hasn't said anything.

I came back to the mansion at night. No one cared that I, as a lady, was out for so long even though this was something I never did before. I walked to my room after telling the maids that no one was to disturb me and I didn't plan on eating. They were more than happy to oblige since they didn't have to serve me.

I locked my room, threw the bag with my 'things' on my bed and began to work.

I put the drug I brought in the glass and mixed it with water. Then I took out the teleportation scroll from the bag and opened it. It wasn't the most expensive one there but it would do that job.

My doorknob rattled


It startled me and I shot my head in the direction.

"My Lady?" Hearing Hael's voice made me calm down, "Are you alright?" He kept turning the knob but the door wouldn't open, "My Lady?"

I thought about it as I glanced at the bag.


I might not need the things I've kept in there if he just listens to me.

"My Lady?" He began to knock on the door.

I grabbed the scroll and hid in the dressing drawer.

"Miss, what's going on? Answer me."

He must be curious. I should entertain his curiosity. I grabbed something from the bag and hid it under my dress, then walked to the door and unlocked it and the moment I did, he opened the door, stepping inside.

There was no look of worry on his face, just seriousness.

"You never lock your door," He was tall, so he was looking down at me.

"Yes," I replied. I never locked him out of my room. So he's bound to be curious as to why I did it today, "I was experimenting."

"What?" He asked and I looked at the glass of drugged water, "What's that?" He followed my gaze and caught the item of interest immediately.

"Something I want you to try." I began to walk towards the table, "Come here." I ordered and he followed me, "Sit," I gestured him to sit down on the chair and he did so without a word, then handled him the drugged water, "Drink this,"

The table was in front of the window and the curtains were open. The moonlight seeped in through the large space and it twinkled on Hael's lovely hair.

"What is this?" He stared at the water.

"Water," I replied

"Just water?" He raised his gaze from the glass to glance at me.

"No, not just water," I said, "But I want you to drink it."

He stared at me for a second, then dropped his gaze to the glass and then brought it to his lips to drink but right before he took a sip from it. He paused.

He sniffed the water and brought the glass away from his mouth, "My lady," His gaze along with his expressions turned grim, "Why are you trying to drug me?"

I let out a sigh as I rolled my eyes, "I had a feeling you'd catch on." Honestly, I didn't want to do it. It would have been best if he just drank the drugged water but of course, nothing is ever easy.

"My Lady?"

I reached for the pocket in my dress as I stepped closer to him. He was suspicious of me and tried to back away but since he was on the chair and had no idea what I was going to do, I took advantage of that confusion and blocked his path by sitting on his thighs while facing him. With one hand I grabbed the back of his hair and with the other got the syringe out of my pocket and plunged the needle into his neck.

His eyes went wide in shock as I pressed the drug in it into his veins.

"This time," My face was close to his, "Don't come back." I whispered, "You're free, it's not a test. Just leave,"

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