Everything is the same

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"What are you even saying Prince Lyal!!" Father tried to stop him

He ran after the prince and grabbed his shoulder to try and stop but Lyal was fuming.

"Shut it!" He slapped his hand away, "You don't even know what's happening under your nose!!" Hubert made his way to them too and they started discussing something.

Their voices lowered but Lyal didn't stop walking away. No matter how much Father or Hubert tried, they couldn't calm him down.

I tried to stand up from the stairs but since I twisted my ankle, it only hurt me more. I hissed trying to stand up but as the pain shot up in my body, I ended up falling again.

Shit! Shit!

This isn't supposed to happen! I looked at my foot, it was still twisted and it hurt like hell. My dress was ruined with dirt, even torn at places and the fall had given me a few other minor bruises that I would get to know about when I come to my senses.

"Stop!!" Lyal's voice roared across the garden, "Your daughter is a whore!"

My heart fell as an inaudible gasp escaped my mouth. I raised my head to look on the other side of the garden where Lyal pushed my Father away, mounted a horse and dashed out of the mansion's grounds.

My anxiety grew


This was what was going to go wrong.

I slowly turned my head to the other people. All the guests were busy looking at the spectacle. My heart drummed in my chest and I had no idea who it was who came and got me up from the ground. His embrace was gentle, and if I had focused on it, I could tell he was being careful with me, but I couldn't focus on him.

I couldn't stop looking at the whole ordeal happening at the garden. With Lyal out of reach, Father and Hubert began to yell at each other.

My view got higher as I was taken to the top of the flight and gently sat down near the door but I still didn't turn to look who had carried me, not even when he bent down to speak to me.

"I'll get you some water," I didn't need to look at him to recognize Hael's voice. He straightened up and walked away while the misery of the whole situation began to swallow me up.

Father turned towards the guests while Hubert said something to the servants. They were yelling but most of it was inaudible to me. The only thing I could hear clearly was the sound of my heart drumming in my ears.

I thought things would be different

I thought I would finally get a peaceful life.


Everything is the same. I watched from the main door. The mayhem that was happening. My father yelled for everyone to leave.

Lyal made a fuss and left. Except last time he said something like, 'Your daughter is insane!'

This time he said something far worse.

I shook my head at myself.

He called me a whore...

I looked at the guests who were looking at me. Those mocking eyes of my 'friends' who raised their fans to whisper rubbish about me as they were being driven out.The servants guided all the guests out of the garden and as soon as they were out of sight, it was time for my punishment.

I winced when someone grabbed my hair from behind

He forced me up, causing the pain in my foot to increase,"You stupid wench!!!" Hubert pulled me back into the house and threw me against the window.

I crashed against it and fell to the floor. I tried to steady myself but my world spun. My head had hit the window and it felt like the impact messed up everything in my skull.

I groaned in pain, but before I got the chance to try and stand up straight he slapped me across the face, sending me sliding across the floor.

"You're a disgrace! Prince Lyal said you have an affair??!" He was violently rough.

"T-that's not true." I said while trying to stand up but he just slapped me again, forcing me down on the floor.

"You go out so much! You must be meeting that Bastard! Who is it!?!" His voice was thunderous

I guess Lyal didn't say it was Hael... He just slut shamed me and ran away.

"No," I said, "It's not like tha-" Hubert slapped me again before I could finish the sentence

"No?" He screamed, "Stop lying!" He hit me again and I just crunched up into a ball on the floor, "You should never have been born!!" He wouldn't stop beating me. My body, like any normal noble lady's, was fragile. Yet, Hubert exerted so much force on me.

"Please..." I begged, "I didn't do anything."

"I thought you were being a bit too obedient." He kicked my gut, "Of course you would pull something like this!"

This didn't happen like this last time... I wasn't getting beat up like this... Hubert wasn't this aggressive... Did the change in Lyal's words change the outcome??!

I let out whimpers as my body began to shake with all the pain being inflicted on me.

Why is this happening?

I got hit so many times. I couldn't get up from the floor but my brother wasn't done. I was lying on the floor like some sort of homeless abused child, whimpering in the cold.

Hubert grabbed my hair from behind, yanked my body half way up and dragged me across the floor.

"Brother!" It hurt like hell, "Wait!" Tears ran down my cheeks, "I didn't do anything!! I only went out to buy stuff." Which was the truth. I went to guy gems, "Lyal must have misunderstood something!!"

"Shut up!" He yelled and yanked my hair even more.

It felt like my hair was come out of my head but I could do at the moment was grab my head and plead

"Please..." I begged, "I'm telling you, it's not like that..." My tears felt hot against my cold skin.

Huberts abuse had landed me more bruises but even after giving me so much pain, he refused to listen to me.

My pleading fell on deaf ears.

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