The Forest Of Elves

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I thought a response from the elf people would take a lot of time. But a week later, we were ready to leave.

Hael and I stood in his room, he held me close to him, his hand on my waist as he conjured his teleportation spell. The further the distance of the place or the more complicated it is, the longer the teleportation magic takes to start.

The light flashed and I closed my eyes shut, then as I felt the magic fading away, I opened my eyes.

“Woah!” The first thing I saw when the wind died around us were the humongous trees, “That would be very hard to miss.” Now I understood why Hael was so confident about finding the Elf Forest.

“Exactly,” Hael let go of me and we walked towards the entrance of the Elf Forest. There was a clear difference between the normal trees and them slowly getting bigger.

Two wild trees stood as pillars at a distance from each other, indicating the entrance of the Elf Community.

Lilia stood there, along with another man.

“Hello,” She greeted us.

“Hi,” I waved at her but Hael did nothing, even didn’t even attempt to greet them.

"This is prince Ezio," Lilia introduced him. He was taller than her, about the same height as Hael. But he had platinum gold hair, and his eyes shone the same hue. Ezio was beautiful. But then again, elves are known for their beauty. His golden long hair was tied in a ponytail. And his golden brown eyes shone ethereally in the sunlight that was making its way down through the canopy of leaves.

"Hael?" He looked at the magic master with his eyes wide, "Wow, you've grown." He then scoffed, “Well, of course, that’s ‘the normal’ for humans.”

Woah, The prince knows him too? Well, if he knows the Queen, so I guess that shouldn’t be a surprise. I would have asked Hael about how he knows the elf kind, but the whole week he didn’t come back to visit me.

I just ran the cafe like normal

The weird part is that Ahin didn’t come either, which I found very odd. Someone, no one knows anything about him or where he is. It’s making me a little uneasy. He can’t just disappear out of nowhere.

"..." Hael didn't answer Ezio. He just looked ahead and began to walk in.
I found it odd but didn't question him and just quietly followed behind him.

Is it just me? Or has Hael been acting a little aggressive? He's normally a little rude but there's something more odd today.

“I’ll take you to the Queen,” Lilia caught up to us and Ezio did the same.

“Hi,” He came and walked beside me, “You’re the saint, right?”

“Hello,” I greeted back, “Yes,” Saying yes so confidently made me feel guilty, “That would be me.” But, I didn’t have any other choice, I was stuck with this role. I thought about this whole thing a lot during the past week.

I can’t run away from it now, but I also didn’t want to be ridiculed as a fake. I know this whole thing is wrong but in the end, I don’t want to be shunned by people around me. So might as well go along with the whole thing and make it official. I just hope this all works out.

“Great!” His eyes lit up, “It’s good to have you here,” He said and then his gaze traveled to Hael who ignored him. He simply kept his eyes up ahead and walked pretending Ezio wasn’t even here.

“Thank you…” I stared at Hael. What is wrong with him?
“I kept wondering what the saint looks like,” Ezio got closer to me, forcing me to look at him,
“O-oh, I hope I didn’t disappoint you then,” I offered him a professional smile.
“Oh no,” He took my hand out of nowhere and we both stopped walking, “You are a very charming woman, Saint Amber,” Then he kissed it, making me blush. My cheeks got warm and I felt self-conscious.
Wow, my heart’s beating weirdly, “Why, thank you,” It must be because he’s so handsome!
Wait, does this make me a disloyal person? Or am I only nervous because I’m a sucker for good faces? Well, I am a sucker for handsome faces. Who isn’t? This can’t count as cheating-
Wait, why am I even thinking this?
“I only speak the truth,” He smiled, and I have to say, that smile was charming, “We have a party in a few days, will you be my dance partner?”
“Oh?” I pointed at myself, “Me? Why me?”
He let out a soft chuckle, “Obviously you! Because you’re the saintess! It would be an honor to dance with you!”
“Oh,” I looked away guiltily, “Sure,” There isn’t any harm in dancing with an elf prince, is there?
“Lovely,” He kissed my hand once again before he let go and started walking again. I hadn’t noticed that Hael had stopped for me as well. And just as Ezio went ahead and met up with Lilia who was far ahead from us, I felt a hand come to my waist that pulled me back, startling the shit out of me!
Hael then grabbed my hand, “I see, you’re quite fond of pretty faces,” He eyed me, then turned and began to walk, pulling me with him.
*Well..." I was caught. Should I lie and say no?  "Yes," I didn't try to hide it but that seemed to offend Hael
“Hmp,” He scoffed lightly, “Is a face all that matters to you?”
“Well,” I pouted, “A pretty face is nice to look at,” My statement made him roll his eyes and he let my hand go, refusing to look at me after that.
“Hael?” He didn’t answer me.
Do I sense jealousy? I pursed my lips, trying to hide my smile. Hael can be jealous!??
Really? That’s so cute! Let me just stare at him and enjoy this moment!

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