Odd relationship

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"You did well," The king said, "Thanks to you, the city was safe."

I stood in front of him, on the red carpet that extended from the door, leading to his throne, in his throne room, "I know," I replied, "You should get the core fixed if you don't' want another casualty, Your Highness,"

"That has already been approved and in process." The king stared at me,


I stared back at him, "Is something the matter, Your Highness?"

"I'm just wondering," He said, "Do you want something as a reward?"

A reward?

I thought about it.


"As a matter of fact, I do," I replied

"Oh ho," The king was pleased, "What do you want?"

"There's this knight in the royal guard." I would have killed him. The moment he proposed to 'My' Lady, he was on my hit list and I was ready to burn him to ashes. What is a mere commoner, after all? But then there's this weird feeling of dismay inside of me when I think about Amber finding it out.

That's the sole reason for not doing it. Something inside my brain stopped me. Told me I would end up in a worse place.

"A royal guard?" The king raised his brow at me.

"Yes," I smiled, "I want you to take care of him for me."

So, I'll leave his disposal to someone else.


I came back to the magic tower, taking slow steps as I approached my bed. Amber was still asleep there. I stood by her side, looking, trying to understand something.

There are too many things I don't understand.

Like how I feel strange when she's with me. When's she closer, or when she's far away. I sat down on the edge of the bed with my eyes still on her.

Like how odd it felt when she touched me. It was a foreign feeling but something my mind liked.

I gently grabbed a lock of her hair.

Hers is a touch I seemed to crave.

Slowly, I brought her hair that I held between my fingers to my lips.

Why do I crave a person? For what? For sex?


That act has meant nothing to me ever since I was young. Forget craving it, it was disgusting.

Why did sleeping with her make it different? Why did being with her, make me feel a little bit-

I touched my chest.


She's the only person whose touch I didn't hate. The only person who attached skin with me and I didn't feel disgusted. The only person who I like close to me.

I want to feel her warmth again.


The texture of her skin. I kissed the lock. Those black eyes staring into mine.

I couldn't stop watching her

The mole on her belly. The feeling of skin locked together

I crave it. I want to see it again and I want it and I don't want anyone else to have her.




I stirred awake from my sleep and groggily sat up

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