This Beautiful Person

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At first, it was a faint prickling sensation, like needles dancing across my skin. But soon, it intensified into a searing agony that tore through me with merciless ferocity. Every fiber of my being screamed in protest, as if my very essence were being torn asunder by the overwhelming force of the mana.

My eyes went wide in horror

I tried to suppress the pain, to push through it with sheer force of will, but it was relentless, unforgiving in its intensity. It felt as though my body were being consumed from within, as if the very essence of who I was were being devoured by the unbridled power of the mana.


I cried out in anguish, my voice lost amidst the cacophony of agony that echoed through the chamber. Each breath felt like fire in my lungs, each movement sending waves of torment rippling through my shattered form. I didn't even realize when I laid down, clinging onto my chest as if trying to rip it out.

Through tear-blurred vision, I saw Hael's face contorted with concern, his hands reaching out to me in a futile attempt to ease my suffering. But his touch only served to exacerbate the pain, sending shockwaves of agony rippling through me with each fleeting contact.

Time seemed to blur and distort, the minutes stretching into eternity as I writhed upon the bed in a torment beyond imagining

Hael put his hand on my eyes, "Sleep," He said and I felt the glow of his magic and the coolness of his mana enter me

I closed my eyes, letting his magic come into and put me into slumber


"Ready?" Helena put both her hands on Amber's stomach

"Let's start," I put both of mine on her head and we began to pour our magic into her to keep her alive, to keep her intact, and to keep her safe



A searing heat washed over me, engulfing my body in flames that threatened to reduce me to ashes. It felt as though I were being submerged in molten lava, the scorching heat searing every inch of my flesh, leaving behind nothing but charred remnants.

I screamed in agony as the inferno consumed me, my cries lost amidst the roar of the flames. It was as if the very depths of hell had opened up to claim me, tearing through my flesh and bone with merciless fury.

But then, just as I felt myself on the brink of oblivion, a wave of icy coldness washed over me, pulling me from the brink of the abyss. I was plunged into the icy depths of an ocean, the frigid waters offering a brief respite from the searing heat that threatened to consume me.

Yet, even as I gasped for breath in the icy waters, the pain took on a new form, crushing me beneath the weight of a thousand mountains. It felt as though the very weight of the world were pressing down upon me, threatening to crush me into oblivion with every agonizing moment.

And then, just when I thought I could bear it no longer, the crushing weight lifted, leaving me adrift in a sea of darkness. Everywhere I turned, there was nothing but emptiness, a void that threatened to swallow me whole as I plummeted into its depths.

But within that abyss, a faint glimmer of light emerged, offering a fleeting glimpse of hope amidst the darkness. It was a beacon of solace in the midst of despair, guiding me through the shadows and offering a semblance of comfort in the face of overwhelming pain.

Yet, even as I reached out towards the light, I felt myself being torn apart, my very essence unraveling before me. It was as though I were being deconstructed and reconstructed, torn apart and pieced back together in an endless cycle of torment.

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