Bitter Truth

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Now this chapter is going to make many of you weird out. But trust me, it's there for a reason.

When I define everything and you all feel it doesn't fit. Tell me. I'll change it then


"Well, now we have two saints," The king said, "Saint Illaris," He pointed at the seats at one side of the hall where Illaris sat with Lyal and a light was shone on her. She pulled on a professional smile and waved at the people who cheered for her. Then the king pointed at me, "And Saint Amber," Then the spotlight was on me

I did the same thing, pulled on a fake smile and waved at them, "I'll do my best to serve you all." People cheered for me as well.

"Saint Illaris will work with the temple while Saint Amber will work with the magic tower." There was excitement on the King's face, "It will be a competition between two saints for the first time in history!"

The hall burst in cheers.

Competition? The king wants us to compete? Oh No... I don't like the sound of that. And I would have dwelled on it more but Hael had my focus.

I looked at him again and saw a noble twink putting his hands on his chest

Anger flared inside of me. As if women weren't enough, men are after him too!??!

"Both the saints are going to work and see who can solve the problem of miasma faster." The king declared, "And tonight is the night to make bets!"

The hell!? What is wrong with the king?!?

He clicked his glass again, "Enjoy the evening!" But I had no time to dwell on his words. As soon as his speech was over, I got off the stage, and began to descend the stairs to go down.

I have to get to Hael! I have a serious question to ask him!!

I was halfway down when I noticed Lyal.


He was coming towards me.

Oh no, no

I don't want to meet this dude. It seems he recovered. His neck didn't take too much damage. Or maybe it did and Illaris healed him. An injury like that should have paralyzed him but he had Illaris to heal him with Holy power.

I didn't stop going down but I hoped I would be able to escape Lyal.

Please! I don't even want to see his face!

Because of him, I couldn't even walk right for three years! If it wasn't for Hael, I would still have a limp.

I was about to reach the ground when I looked at Lyal again. He was going to reach me, when suddenly he ran into something.


There was nothing there though, the space in front of him was empty yet it looked like he ran into a wall


An invisible wall

I smiled


Then I reached the ground and hurried to where he was standing while Lyal tried to move forward but couldn't. Each step he took, he would run into another invisible wall.

I glanced back at him one final time and noticed his nose bleeding.

It made me laugh. Looks like he keeps hitting his nose on the walls


Serves him right.

I looked forward and made my way to Hael. There were still men surrounding him but when he saw me he moved away from them and came over to where I had stopped.

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