The engagement

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The Holy Temple of Elarion, dedicated to the ancient deity of light and wisdom. The temple itself was a magnificent marvel of architecture, crafted from luminous marble that seemed to shimmer with an inner glow, even in the dimmest of light. Towering spires adorned with delicate carvings of celestial beings reached toward the sky, while intricate mosaics depicting tales of divine intervention adorned the walls.

Deep within the temple, past winding corridors illuminated by softly glowing orbs of light, lay the Grand Chamber of Union. This sacred space was reserved for the most significant of ceremonies, where the bonds of love were consecrated under the watchful gaze of Elarion.

The sound of my heels clicking echoed as I walked into the Grand Chamber. Prince Lyal did not come to take me from my home. He sent the message to just meet him in the temple and while normally any noble female would make this into an issue. I did not have the luxury of it.

His actions showed how much of a hassle all of it was for him but father and Hubert simply told me to get ready and reach the temple myself. I made a fuss about it in my past life, telling my father that Prince Lyal clearly didn't want this marriage, that's why he's doing this.

To leave a lady alone and go to the temple himself is pretty humiliating to me but no one cared about that. Dad just slapped my mouth shut and told me to get ready and in the end I had no choice but to do it.

I didn't want useless violence this time, so I've been doing as I've been told.

I was greeted by towering doors crafted from solid oak, intricately carved with symbols of love, unity, and devotion which I found so hypocratical. As the doors swung open on silent hinges, I stepped into a vast chamber bathed in a soft, golden light that seemed to emanate from the very walls themselves.

At the center of the chamber stood an altar, fashioned from pure white marble and adorned with garlands of fragrant blossoms and shimmering crystals. And in the middle of it, Stood Lyal, wearing his ceremonial clothes, waiting for me.

His golden hair was just like his brothers yet he himself was nothing like them.

I, on the other hand, wore a dress crafted from the finest silk chiffon, the gown cascaded in gentle folds, trailing behind me. The bodice of the dress was adorned with intricate lace appliqués, delicately embroidered with shimmering threads of silver and gold. The gown flowed into a sweeping A-line silhouette, gracefully skimming the floor. Subtle touches of embellishment adorned the waistline, where a slender belt of crystals and pearls shimmered softly in the ambient light.

It was a dress I would never have chosen myself. It was too beautiful to be chosen for a day like this.

I reached the altar and Lyal offered a hand to help me up.

Surrounding the altar were rows of glistening silver chairs, arranged in a perfect circle to accommodate guests who had come to witness the union. Each chair was draped with luxurious fabrics in hues of gold and ivory but there weren't many people there.

In total, I would say twenty.

I turned to look at the ten guests from my side and my eyes fell on Hael. It's all because of him. He sabotaged my engagement shopping and made me buy this dress.

Of course, I wore those emerald earrings with it, but I had a purpose for buying those. They're high quality gems and matched with the earrings they'll catch a hefty resale price.

I looked down at my dress, but this.

It was a waste of money. I pursed my lips. And a waste of my feelings.

To look this beautiful for an occasion like this just made me feel bad. Hael was insistent for some reason though. According to him, "My lady should look stunning on an auspicious day such as her engagement."

My heart stung as I recalled his words, his amused expression and how excited he looked while choosing a dress for me.

It made me realize he really wasn't interested in me. All along, it had only been me.

Why else would he make me doll up so nicely just for me to get bound to someone else?


Or maybe he doesn't care since he's planning on killing everyone before the marriage. The marriage date was put for two years after the engagement after all.

"I'll start the ceremony," A girl's voice made me turn my head and look at her. It was a girl with silver blonde long hair. She wore the white and gold garments of the temple and came to stand between us, only a step higher.

She was stunning, she seemed to shine the same way her hair did and of course I recognized her immediately.


I glanced at Lyal. He was a little stunned when he saw her but it didn't bother me.

Illaris was pretty and she looked like the purest maiden one could lay eyes on. I glanced around the place. It wasn't only Lyal that was momentarily stunned, the others who came to the ceremony were as well.

I sighed internally and looked at Lyal again.

This is the woman you're going to fall for in the future.


Or maybe he already fell for her here.

I looked to the front. I wonder why we even have to do this...

"Dear friends and family, we gather here today in the presence of Elarion to celebrate the joyous occasion of this engagement. Lyal Echart, do you take Corvina Cory to be your beloved partner, to walk hand in hand through life's journey, to love and cherish, from this day forward?"

Lyal answered, "I do." But his gaze was focused on Illaris.

Illaris smiled and then looked at me, "And Corvina Cory, do you take Lyal Echart to be your beloved partner, to share in life's joys and sorrows, to support and uplift, from this day forward?"

"I do."

Illaris nodded with a gentle smile, her voice carrying the warmth which made me think; Ah, she really is a saint. Even her voice is so soothing.

"May your love be a beacon of light in times of darkness, a source of strength in times of doubt, and a reminder of the beauty of companionship. Let this engagement ring be a symbol of the commitment you share, a promise of love fulfilled."

We exchanged the rings and Illaris started speaking again but I paid it no attention. I just turned to look, trying to catch a glimpse of someone.

I felt like seeing Hael.

But no matter where I looked, I couldn't find him. He was there just a moment ago, where could he have gone?

I turned back to look at Illaris

Well, maybe he doesn't like the temple. It's a pretty known fact that magicians and Clerics don't like each other.

I closed my eyes in disappointment as a nagging sense of loneliness loomed over me. I clenched my dress as my chest felt suffocated.

It was an engagement yet I felt all alone here.

How did I get through this last time?

I gulped,

What did I do?

It took me a moment to remember that the whole thing was so suffocating for me, I fainted.

A sarcastic yet sad smile made the corners of my lips curl up.

But I guess I'll have to endure it till the end today. I was blinded by love in my past life but now I know it was all my delusions. And so even though the event and the day is still heavy on me,

All I can do is endure it... All alone...

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