One peaceful day

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I read Serena's letter as I sat on one of the round benches of the gazebo in the mansion garden. The gazebo was on top of a tiny hill and had a pretty view of the whole garden. It was a lovely day outside and I felt like getting some sun.

'I wish for us to become closer,' I smiled at the way she wrote it, 'If possible, I'd like it if we became best friends. I do realize it took me a few months to get back at you but you have done me a huge favor.'

It was a short letter. Other than these lines she just talked about random stuff.

I wrote back to her, 'I would want nothing more than your friendship Lady Serena, I hope we get along for as long as we live.' Followed by this main line, I talked about random stuff as well.

Just as I finished writing the letter I noticed a maid coming over.


I'll tell her to get this delivered.

The maid stepped inside the gazebo and bowed

"My Lady, Prince Lyal is here,"


Prince Lyal is here? At the mansion? Why? He never came to visit me before.

"I see," I handed her the letter, "Have this delivered to Lady Serena," I straightened myself up, "And Bring the prince here," I told the maid, "Have someone bring us some refreshments as well."


Hael poured the prince a cup of tea. With Tracy gone, he's been keeping himself even closer to me even though I also had Nancy do that stuff for me, but I never asked her to tag along.

I just wanted to keep her close so I could keep an eye on her. Part of it was also because she would see Hael a lot but she never gets to talk to him, Hael ignores her and it constantly blows her self esteem.

Plus a constant reminder he'll never pay her any attention. It's like an undercover punishment.

And I got rid of Tracy,

It's not like Tracy actually left. She talked to the head Maid and the head maid talked to my father who told her to keep working.

That's just how meaningless my words are. That's what happened in my past life too. And that's how I know the other staff must not have stopped harassing Hael, it's part of the reason why I keep him with me more too.

The only thing that has changed is that every now and then when I notice a visible injury on Hael, I tend to it for him and he quietly lets me do it. I don't say anything about it even though I know the staff must have done something to him and he doesn't speak of it either.

"Please," I gestured with my hand, "Have some," I pointed at the tea and he picked the cup up. He also grabbed a cookie from the refreshment platter but neither did he eat the cookie nor did he sip his tea.

We've been meeting for a while now. Our meeting consisted of me going to visit the palace. We talk about political stuff, random hobbies, and stuff like that. At first he didn't talk much but when I showed that I would listen to him, it's him that talks all the time and I listen.

Part of the reason why I don't say much is because I actually don't have anything to say.

"I.." He seemed to be hesitating, "Had no idea you had such a mature vibe to you," Well, I am mentally a lot older than him,

"And I didn't think you'd come to visit on your own." I smiled, "What brought you here today, your highness?"

"Our previous meetings changed my mind..." He softly sipped his tea, "You were different from what I had heard."

I smiled softly, "I see," After all, I never once mentioned Hael in our meetings or did any of the things I did in my past life. All those things just landed me in trouble and I want to spend my time quietly before I leave.

I sipped my Tea

I wonder though, can the future change? There haven't been any significant changes but,

I glanced at Hael who stood at a distance from us, in the past, he never made any attempts to talk to me. I was always the one who started the conversation, I was always the one who called him over and most of the time, it was me chattering away

But it's different,

I brought the cup down and looked at the garden, a gentle breeze blew past us and it felt like such a peaceful day.

"Lady Corvina," Lyal called out to me and I looked at him,


"I want to make things work between us,"


"Oh..." I blinked in confusion, "I see," I was not expecting him to say that. I get that our meetings went well, but nothing about them was worth mentioning or dare I say, good. They were bland and a formality we had to fulfill.

So why is he suddenly saying that?

"Your highness, I would like that too," I felt Hael's gaze shift and his eyes got stuck on me, "But are you really find by this marriage?" I'm asking because it didn't happen. He fell for Illaris. And I know for a fact that on our engagement day, Illaris had caught his eye.

So why is he saying this?

"Yes," He replied, catching me off-guard.

"Oh..." I wasn't expecting it, but maybe it is possible. Maybe because I changed, other things can change too.

"Why? Do you not wish to marry me?"

If the future changes, and Lyal and I do get married. I looked back at him. It wouldn't be a bad life, would it?

I glanced at Hael

That is, if he doesn't kill us all. My marriage is supposed to happen after I turn eighteen but Hael kills everyone the day I hit the mark

I took another sip from the tea,

But what if I get married sooner? Wouldn't that solve my problem?

"No," I nodded softly at Lyal, "I would like that too."

And maybe, I can get rid of my feelings for Hael.



Nothing is going according to plan!

I bit my thumbnail

I keep trying to set her up one way or another without getting caught but it's like something is wrong with Corvina that bitch!! And then she has the audacity to fire me?


Good thing no one listens to that bitch or gives her any importance. I didn't have to beg so much and I got to keep my job.

I stared at the prince and Corvina as they enjoyed their time in the gazebo. There was a fire burning inside of me that I knew wouldn't quench unless I got my revenge.


I'll just do it outright next time

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