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"That's right!" The guy I slapped straightened up, "He's a degenerate who assaults women!" He kept his hand on the cheek that was slapped while he pointed at Hael with his other hand.

I crossed my arms,"Oh?" I was not amused, "And where is the victim?" I may have been blinded by many things in the past but I'm sure Hael was not the type to go around and assault someone. And considering what he's capable of, why would he do something petty like assaulting someone? I would believe it if someone said he killed Tracy, but assault?


"Lady Corvina, Tracy was crying in the kitchen," A maid said, "Everyone saw how distressed she was."

"In the kitchen?" I raised my eyebrows in question, "So she was crying in a public place where every staff member goes." I rolled my eyes, "Doesn't that mean she put on a show for everyone to see?"

"Hey! That's cruel of you to assume!"

"How could you be so heartless to your own personal maid?!"

"You're a female yourself, how could you defend someone like Hael-"

I raised my hand to stop everyone before they uttered more bullshit.

"And where is your proof?" I glared at all of them, "Where is your proof that Hael did it?" I looked at each and every one of them but none of them said anything to that.

They all sneaked glances at each other as the realization set in between them that they had no proof to show me, and I shook my head at them.

"All you have is a statement by one single maid," I looked at the others, "Or was anyone else assaulted by Hael too?" I glared at the women in the corridors, "You will have to speak up right now. Or you lose your right." I crossed my arms, "Tell me, is there any other victim here?"

No one spoke

The hall got filled with silence only for it to be broken by another idiot.

"Lady Corvina," It was a man again who spoke, "You can't just simply disregard someone's statement either."

"And you can't simply gang up on someone without proof." I eyed at the staff, "If Tracy was assaulted, she should come to her master," There was anger in my voice, "Not make a spectacle of herself in front of everyone!"

The more I spoke, the more the anger in me rose.

Tracy was a troublemaker. Who would know better than me?

I could tell everyone just wanted a reason to fight Hael. The maids who had taken advantage of Hael sleeping around didn't say anything in his defense either.

In my past life, did I even notice this all? Was this a regular occurrence? I knew that the staff bullied him a lot but I never knew the males were looking for every chance to gang up on him like this.

The more I learn, the more I find out why he hates us all so much.

"When Tracy 'Stops' crying, send her to my room." I turned my head to look at everyone, "And I dare anyone to touch Hael again." I stepped towards him with my eyes still on the rest, "If anyone does it, you're dead."

We're dead because he's literally going to kill everyone!!! I understand I played a big part in his hatred but these idiots did too!

I turned around and saw Hael looking back with a surprised expression. The blood was trickling down his head and seeing that made my chest squeeze in guilt.

I wondered if he was physically assaulted all the other times too. I never really saw his naked body, so I would never know.

"Come here," I presented my hand to him, "We're leaving." He placed his hand in mine and I closed it, then I took him out of there, "You're all dismissed!!" I yelled as I left

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