Family Reunion (17)

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Nico has decided that his least favorite thing is morphine.

It made his brain feel fuzzy, which in turn made it hard to form a complete thought. He felt giddy and his voice box didn't quite work.

"What time is it?" Nico asked, waving his hands in front of his eyes as if that would somehow help. Bruce just looked at him worriedly.

"Nico, don't do that with your injured arm." He sighed, rubbing his eyes. Nico just hiccupped.

"When will this wear off?" Nico asked, looking over at Dick who was perched at the foot of his bed.

"We can give you another dose in a few hours," Dick reassured him. Nico scowled.

"No, don't give me another dose," Nico whined, lying back down on the hospital bed he was in. "I'll be fine in twenty minutes."

"Morphine does not wear off in twenty minutes." Damian snorted, giving Nico a look.

"It does for people like me," Nico mumbled, smacking his dry lips together. "I'll be fineeee in a few minutes."

Dick sighed and looked helplessly at Tim, who turned and looked at Bruce, who just sighed and rubbed his face again.

"Nico, Zatanna had some.... Interesting information for us." Dick said, taking a deep breath and giving Nico a kind smile.

"Yeah?" Nico said, hiccupping again. In the back of his mind, he knew it probably wasn't the best to answer questions about something that could get him killed while he was drugged up on medicine and unable to think about the consequences of his actions.

But the drugged-up part of Nico couldn't care less.

"She says you used very ancient and powerful magic down in the tunnels under Sudan," Bruce said, groaning as he swung his legs off of the bed in order to sit up and look Nico in the eye.

"Yeppers. The mist." Nico said, wiggling his fingers for some added effect.

"She says that it was only used by the Greek goddess Hecate," Dick added, calmly looking down at his nails. Nico nodded and sat up as well, moving his injured shoulder and testing out how healed it was.

"Nico, don't do that." Tim sighed. "If you keep doing we're going to have to immobilize your arm."

"It's fine, and healing," Nico said, moving his arm a little harder. "Leo gave me a lot of nectar so it should be healed in a few hours." Nico looked up at them.

"Your arm was nearly severed." Damian scowled. "it was barely hanging on by the joint a few tendons."

"And I can move it," Nico replied. "It should be almost done healing by now."

"That's not possible," Dick said, standing and moving towards Nico.

"My concussion should be gone by now too. If only it wasn't for this stupid morphine." Nico groaned, pulling away as Dick tried to touch his shoulder. "Where are we anyway?"

Nico hadn't really been in good condition when he had been carried out of the Bio ship and hadn't really paid attention to where they were bringing him. For all he knew they could be in a random room at Wayne Manor.

"We're at the Mount Justice medical facility," Damian said.

"You all have your masks off?" Nico asked, yawning. He still hadn't been allowed to take a nap and the tiredness was getting to him.

"No one is in the room and both the Justice League and Young Justice know to give us our space," Dick said, giving Nico a calculated look. "But don't change the topic." Nico rolled his eyes and groaned, looking away from all of them.

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now