The Gala (18)

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"Why didn't Bruce cancel this whole thing?" Jason grumbled as he fumbled with his tie, snarling at himself in the mirror.

All four boys were standing in Dick's room, getting ready for the gala that would be hosted later that night. Damian was already fully dressed and was standing, watching Nico struggle with an amused smirk on his face. Tim was trying to help Jason with his tie while his own hung limply around his neck. Dick was trying to shove his feet into shoes that were clearly too small.

"Dickwad, I don't think your robin feet are going to fit in those." Jason snickered, wrapping the tie around his neck like he was trying to strangle himself. Tim quickly put an end to that.

"I don't have another pair of shoes," Dick whined, hopping around on the one foot he managed to cram the shoe onto.

"You should have tried on all of your clothes before it was the day of the gala," Damian smirked.

"Oh, whatever Demon, I'll just go borrow a pair of Bruce's shoes," Dick grumbled, stalking out of his room and down the hallway.

Nico was too immersed in trying to get his suit vest to line up with the rest of his clothes to pay attention to what was going on around him. The fabric felt silky and smooth against Nico's fingers, and it felt weird to him. He wasn't used to stuff like this, and it made him feel stuffy.

"You need to tie it like this," Damian said, popping up next to Nico, startling him.

"Oh," Nico mumbled, letting Damian loop his tie around and adjust his suit vest before re-tying his tie.

"They are obviously going to know that he is not accustomed to this life." Damian huffed, looking at his two other brothers.

"He doesn't have to look accustomed to this life," Tim replied, finally managing to get Jason all suited up. "This is a charity event for Gotham's orphanages, having a kid who just came from an orphanage will get people to see that it is an actual problem."

Nico didn't really know how he felt about being used as a way to get people to open up their wallets, but he decided that he didn't really mind, especially since that was what the rest of the boys were being used for.

"Alright, looking good Nico," Dick said, entering the room with a pair of shoes that actually fit on his feet. "We are expected to be at the doors with Alfred in about thirty minutes."

A ball of nerves formed in Nico's throat. He didn't know how this gala was going to go and that made him a little scared. Typically, Demigods and any sort of events didn't really go together well.

"You boys all look good," Bruce said as he pushed Dick's bedroom door open and gave them all a good look-over. "Just remember to be nice to everyone, reporter or not." Nico wondered what everyone did to warrant Bruce's stern tone, but Jason and Damian just smirked.

"We will be nice." Jason snicked and Damian nodded.

"As in no flipping anyone off or swearing at anyone." Bruce sighed, sharing a look with Dick, who looked like he was trying very hard not to laugh.

"No promises Father," Damian said, adjusting his suit jacket.

"Yes promises." Bruce frowned. "And no weapons either."

Nico was a little taken aback as Damian grumbled under his breath and pulled several throwing stars out of his suit jacket. But what surprised Nico even more would be Dick and Tim following suit.

Jason cackled and Bruce just rolled his eyes.

Nico's fingers drifted to his skull ring and nervously twisted it. He wasn't sure if it counted under the no-weapons rule since it technically wasn't in weapon form. Nico would rather not part with his ring, but he would if Bruce asked it of him.

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin