Broken Down (33)

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Nico stood there, stunned. The entire front half of the Batmobile was crumpled, the back end hovering a few inches off the ground as the drawbridge rested on the front. The insides were no doubt crushed into oblivion.

"Oh no," Nightwing muttered, running his hand through his hair anxiously.

'Oh no' didn't portray the gravity of the situation, at all.

"Batman is going to kill us." Kid Flash wailed, his feet tapping on the ground again.

"I'm sure he wouldn't do that." Miss Martian replied, not sounding very confident as she gnawed on her fingernails.

There was silence after that. Everyone knew Batman was going to be so angry.

"What are we going to do?" Artemis asked, her grip on her bow so tight her knuckles were white, ready to attack the moment she saw a threat.

More silence followed. Nico's mind was racing. The Batmobile looked totaled. (Not that Nico had seen many totaled cars in his life.)

Before Nico could stop himself, he opened his stupid mouth.

"I know a mechanic that could help." Immediately all eyes were on him.

"You seem to know everybody," Superboy grumbled, throwing him a suspicious look like he hadn't just saved Nico from crashing through the windshield. Nico just shrugged.

"I get around," Nico replied simply.

"Just one mechanic?" Red Robin asked, finally pulling himself away from the crushed Batmobile and drifting over to join the group.

"We're going to need a whole team of them." Kid Flash sighed, plopping down on the pavement, and staring at the destroyed Batmobile.

"The mechanic I know is perfectly capable of fixing this. But I could get a team of them if we need to.
Nico replied, crossing his arms, trying to figure out how he was going to explain his connection to Batman and the Batmobile along with why it was so badly damaged.

Leo probably wouldn't be too surprised but the other Hephaestus kids were more of a problem. Nico sighed, trying to prepare himself for all the geeking out that was going to happen.

Nico also had to figure out how he was going to get the literal Batmobile to either Texas (Nico had been very surprised when Leo had told him about the machine shop. He couldn't believe Chiron let one of the seven leave camp for so long.) or to camp, both of which were very far away from Gotham.

"Are these mechanics one of you?" Nightwing asked. Nico blinked, wondering what 'one of you' meant and why it felt so insulting. Nico 'oohed' softly once he realized Dick was asking if they were demigods. Then Nico got confused all over again. Did Dick not know that Leo was the mechanic he was talking about? He thought the topic must have come up at some point during their private talk.

"Yes, they are," Nico said, looking at the rest of Young Justice, who all looked very confused, except for Red Robin of course. Nico figured being confused was a normal reaction to this entire situation.

Nightwing nodded in understanding.

"We'll let you arrange that with them," Nightwing said, turning back to face the rest of the group. Nico stepped backward, ready to find a water source. Superboy stepped forward, that was bad news.

"Wait, are we really going to trust him with the Batmobile?" Nico frowned. Had he not proved himself? Was he not good enough to be on the team? He could feel himself start to shrink back into the shadows.

"Superboy, that is enough." Aqua Lad scowled. "Nightshade has shown that he is a fully capable and trustable comrade. If this behavior continues you will need to have a discussion with Black Canary." Superboy looked like he wanted to explode.

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now