Oh, These Dudes Again (31)

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Nico jumped down, his boots landing quietly on the dry cement of the sewers.

"How much longer do you think it is?" Tim asked quietly, dropping down next to him a little less stealthily.

"I'm not sure. I think we're getting close. I can feel something big and metal up ahead." Nico answered, his distorted voice sounding extra creepy in the echoey pipes.

"You can feel metal?" Tim whispered, raising his flashlight high over his head, and staring down the tunnel.

"If I concentrate hard enough. I'm nowhere near as strong as Hazel is. I don't even have control over that part of my father's powers." Nico replied, not bothering to get into all the details of how it technically wasn't even Hades' power sphere, it was Pluto's.

"Your powers are so confusing," Tim grumbled, sticking his head down a random tunnel.

"Eh, I mean, at least it's not as bad as trying to figure out which immortal being to pray to when you're in a struggle. And trying to figure out which ones like you enough to actually help you." Nico continued walking down the tunnel. The shadows in his stomach seemed to tug him forward like they were leading him.

Nico had more than a few mixed feelings about that.

"You pray-? You know what, I rescind my earlier statement. Your entire world is weird." Nico just laughed. Tim was right, his biological family was more than a little weird.

"Yes, we pray." Nico snickered, jogging slightly to keep balance on the sloping ground.

"What is our ETA to this metal thing?"

"About two minutes. Prepare yourself for a fight, I can sense consciousnesses up ahead." Nico paused, they felt weirdly familiar. Nico shook it off, he was probably just a little confused with the shadows in his chest.

"Yes sir," Tim replied, dropping his voice into a whisper, and tightening his grip on his staff. "How many?" Nico stayed quiet for a second, counting.

"Six." Nico finally answered. He was a little confused, it felt like there were more consciousnesses there, but they weren't...awake. Or they just weren't there, and Nico's senses were thrown way off from the blessing.

"Oh, we can take six in a fight." Tim straightened up, twirling his staff in his hands.

Nico grunted in response, quietly walking forward, every sense on high alert.

Once they got to the final turn Nico held his arm out. The six consciousnesses were moving away and into the giant metal box. Nico figured it was time for a shift change. Which was both good and bad. They would have a short opportunity to slip into the bunker undetected but there would be more guards heading their way. And they would be more likely to see them.

But Nico couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity.

"Should we go in?" Tim whispered. Nico slowly nodded, they glanced at each other, silently counting down until they both sprung forward.

Nico darted around the corner, his ring gripped tightly in his hand, ready to become his sword in a split second.

"...Nightwing?" Nico mumbled, sliding to a stop, and staring at the blue and black suit.

"Nightshade? Red Robin?" Nightwing sounded equally surprised.

The three of them stared at each other for a hot second.

"What are you going here?" Nightwing and Red Robin asked at the same time. Nico winced as their voices echoed off the walls.

"We were looking for you guys." Nightwing relaxed, his grip on his Escrima sticks loosening slightly.

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now