Chapter 25: Followed

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Adam's POV


It was a while before Arlie came back with Yamato behind her. I turned my head towards them as they walked over. I was leaning against the wall and as I saw them come closer, I stood up straight.

"I found him." Arlie beamed up at me. I tried not looking at her since Mina came into my mind. Why does this shit have to look so much like her?

"Cool. Now shoo." I pass Arlie and stand in front of Yamato.

"No, I want to stay." I hear her whine behind me. I sigh and ignore her. I peer at Yamato and take in a breath. "Yamato..." I begin.

"What is it?" He replies.

"You've heard of the plan, am I right?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Who hasn't?" He says tiredly and I witnessed dark circles under his eyes. "I've also been told about my role." There was a brief silence between us. "Thank you, by the way."

"Heh, no problem." I smile. Just a little.

"So what's Arlie's role?"

"She's still just a brat. But I'm sure Immortia trusts her." I reason. "She can eavesdrop on his conversations and plans."

"Fair enough. But, Adam," Yamato narrows his eyes. "Immortia isn't stupid."

"I know, we'll be careful. Immortia has invited the whole mansion to your execution. There are many open spots we can attack."

"Good luck, then." Yamato nods and walks down the corridor. "Let's go Arlie." Arlie skipped after him. She waves at me, which I do not return. She's still a child who doesn't understand the feeling of hurt.

As they disappeared into the darkness, I turn around and walk back to my own room. It was dark and another day has passed. The execution guards must be busy digging the tunnel at this moment, and I was tempted to go join in as I had nothing to do. But it was a boring option, so I decided I'd just walk around the balconies of the mansion instead of going to sleep.

I went on the fourth floor, where there wasn't much life. It was quiet and nice, which I liked. I opened the massive doors which led to the balconies. I turned the dusty doorknobs and opened the damn old door, which made a heavy creak. I stepped outside to the cool night air. I closed the door behind me and stuffed my hand into my jacket's pockets. I began walking around the huge balconies and stopped by the railings to view the city. The sky was a blanket, tucking the world in for the night's rest. The town was so lively and full of commotion. You could hear the cars in the distance and the faint noises of small animals.

A light breeze passed through me, playing with my hair as it passed by. My hair came over my eyes so I had it patted back. The world, the very town, was oblivious to the dangers of this mansion. I sighed and back off from the railing, but stop suddenly. I heard a faint creak.

"Who is it?" I call out, without turning around. When no one answered, I turned over to see. The doors were open a bit, but that wasn't what got my attention. Between the doors, I saw an eye watching me. It stared for a few more seconds before it dashed off.

"Hey!" I took long strides towards the doors and pushed them with all my might. I looked around the dark corridor. It was tinted orange from the flickering candles, and that is all I saw until a shadow caught my eye. I inched closer, then heard a door shut.

"Who is it?" I say again. I run down the corridor and look around. I go by the door that was possibly the one shut, and put my ear close. I tried to focus and tried to get even the slightest noise, but I didn't hear anything. That little shit. Where the hell did he go?

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