Chapter 36: I.W.S.O

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Chapter mildly grammar checked**

Also check out my short story: A Game of Hide and Seek or novel: Kid Killer. ;)

"We will not lose each other. We'll go through this together and survive..."

"...for one more day."

~Mariam and Maymoona


Mariam's POV


It was the first week of another school year as Mariam spotted an empty table and seized it. She rummaged through her binder for her homework, given a couple of days ago. Everyone went about with his or her trays of food around her, taking their seats. Mariam usually sat alone as she did not have any close friends. However, the distant friends she did have assembled with the cute boys or hung out with the popular group. Mariam was more of an introvert, and large crowds scared her.

While she completed her homework for the next class, a girl came by and sat beside her. Mariam has seen her around a bit, and she was sure the girl was not in ninth grade like Mariam was. The girl beamed, and Mariam smiled back, eyeing back into her papers. She was pretty, with brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She usually changed her hairstyle, sometimes straight as a stick, or a messy bun held in place by a pencil. Today it was cornrows, ending in a ponytail.

"Hi, my name is Maymoona." She introduced herself and Mariam glanced up from her notes to reply.

"Mariam." She grinned again. "What brings you here?"

"Ah, you know. New school and all. Just looking for someone to talk to so I can get through high school with help. You were alone and stuff." She giggled. "It is hard to get to know people when they are all in a cluster."

"Yeah," Mariam agreed. "I avoid groups. Always in the shadows and everything. I do not mind since it is nice not to have attention."

"I was in a popular group once. Too much drama." Maymoona shook her head. "Glad I moved schools."

"Which grade you in?"

"Tenth. Science is fun."

"Yeah, it's more of my subject too." Mariam nodded.

"What are you rooting for?"

"Something like a detective. Agent to be precise. Solving mysteries are my thing."

"The government is a dangerous place to work," Maymoona commented.

"It is. My mother told me to forget about becoming an FBI agent."

Maymoona laughed. "It'd be cool, though." Something in her eyes sparked. "Hope we could become friends."

"Yeah, that'd be great. We can grab a smoothie later after school?"

"Of course," Maymoona grinned. She looked away from Mariam then back at her. "I have to use the washroom. Catch you later."

"Sure, later."

Maymoona hoisted up, walking away from the cafeteria and into the girls' washroom. She switched her phone on and dialed a number, her hand quivering. When someone picked up the call, she spoke in a hushed voice.

"I befriended her."


We lashed our heads around and saw Alex jammed to the wall by Adam. He was grasping her hand which held the gun. My head trailed up. A hole was dug into the ceiling. Immortia was still leaning against the wall, staring at us intensely.

Befriended ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon