Chapter 33: Inquiry

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I wanted to make this chapter super long but it will take just another month to do that so I submitted the amount I usually do. AhhhHH don't hate me *^*

****AlsOOOO check out KID KILLER cuz I've uploaded two chapters right now and I'm working on that too and it would mean so much and I will love you guys forever and yeah xx

"And so everyone, let's fight! And live for one more DAY!"



Mariam's POV


I heard the large doors shut loudly, and I peered to see what was going on. Adam locked the front doors and barged towards us- his nose flaring. Everyone around him stood up and watched keenly as Adam gripped Yusuf's collar and shoved him towards the wall.

"I will kill you." He snarled and hustled him once more. Yusuf calmly looked at him, with slight confusion in his eyes.

"I don't know what yo-"

"Shut the hell up." Adam pulled out a gun, and I ran towards him, pulling the gun away from Yusuf's head.

"Adam!" I shriek and slap him across the face. "Stop it. Now." I breathed heavily as Adam slowly turned towards me with a red tint staining his pale cheek. His face was a blanket of hurt before it was washed away, turning into a flame of rage.

"What do you not understand, Mariam?" He shouted, towering over me. "Who could have possibly known we were here? Just freaking look outside- the cannibals are surrounding us!"

He paused before he continues. "This shit here," he pointed at Yusuf, who was in the middle of the commotion, "is the reason they know. He's not to be trusted."

"I did not call any cannibals if that's what you needed to know." Yusuf tilted his head. "I can't grasp the fact why you're assuming I'm the enemy."

"Because you are." Adam's voice dropped with venom. "All those people you killed mercilessly. You didn't even give a second thought about killing them- about killing Mina."

Yusuf scoffed. "Says the one who got Arlie killed."

"Son of a bitch-" He clutched his collar once more.

"Don't you freaking see? You're a monster- you don't care about anyone but your selfish self." Adam spat the words, but he didn't realize he was messing with a torturer. He was soon on the ground, with Yusuf's boot pinning his head down.

"Will you please shut up now?" Yusuf glances at me for a brief second before removing his feet off of Adam's head. "You talk too much."

Adam cursed and swore as he stood up, wiping the blood off his mouth. "Rot in hell, bastard."

"See you there." Yusuf's expression didn't even change for a second, and I truly saw his cold-hearted side. He was calm, emotionless- but I knew he was pissed off and wanted to kill Adam here and now.

"Why don't all of you bitches just settle this matter after we're out of danger?" Altai pulled Adam away and glowered at Yusuf. "If the stupid cannibals are smart enough, I'm pretty sure we're dead."

Yusuf and Adam did not say another word and ignored each other after that. Altai and Yamato had gone across the room to check behind the heavy velvet curtains. They had closed them right away as they saw a shocking sight.

They ran back to us and shortly shot a dirty look at Yusuf- also suspecting him. Yusuf couldn't have said anything! If he wanted us dead in the first place, he would've let us die a long time ago. Immortia wouldn't have gone through the trouble by letting us escape.

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