Chapter 27: Erased Memories

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Mariam's POV


I sat down on the steps quietly and Maymoona did the same. Bliquorice knew we were on ground level so he jumped off my arms and played around us. He did really recognize us and didn't leave me alone.

I thought about how Adam yelled at me. Ouch. I wasn't expecting him to be harsh, but I can't blame him right now. Something did happen to him and he's been uneasy.

"Why do you think he was soaked in blood?" Maymoona glanced over to the spot where Adam had threw up. It was clean now since someone had called in one of the cleaners of the mansion. I think that's what they called them, at least.

"I don't know, Moon." I sigh, letting Bliquorice onto my lap. He snuggled closely to my chest and I stroked his soft black fur. "I have no clue what Adam did, but I don't think it's very nice."  

Maymoona nodded and took off her top hat. "Honestly, I'm done with this thing." She cursed and threw it. I laughed, also taking off mine. My scarf wasn't given back, and it was getting annoying. I felt so bare not wearing my headscarf. I did just start recently as I wasn't in practice.

"Let's just hope they do give them back. Sir Immortia is really stubborn. He just wants his own way." Maymoona wore her headscarf a few times and she was trying her best to wear it every time.

"Yeah, I hope so." Bliquorice purred and a smile tugged my lips. Maymoona squealed in delight due to the adorableness of this small creature.

"I still wonder though." Maymoona rubbed Bliquorice's head. "Why did Sir Immortia give him to you in the first place?"

Shaking my head, I replied. "Got no clue. He just appeared out of nowhere and gave me the responsibility."

"Be careful, Mars." Maymoona said in a hushed voice.

"I know, Moon."

We fell silent and it was like that until we heard a couple footsteps coming down the stairs behind us. Turning around, we fell in disbelief.

"Ah! Mariam and Maymoona! How did you sleep last night?" Sir Immortia grinned widely and I saw Yamato behind him with Arlie. She was introduced to me just today, and we both did form a bond. She smiled, waving her hand.

Both me and Maymoona get up, accidently waking up Bliquorice. He didn't jump off from my arms though, but intensely stared at Sir Immortia. 

"Slept well, why?" Maymoona furrowed her arched eyebrows. Sir Immortia didn't reply, however looked at our hats thrown on the floor.

"What's this?" Sir Immortia narrowed his eyes at us. "The hats." We glance behind us and back at him. My body froze as he came nearer to us. Surely he won't blow up at us for taking off our hats.

"We took off our hats." Maymoona replied. "Anything else?" Don't anger him! My mind screamed.

"Did I tell you to?" Sir Immortia went closer to her. I glanced at Yamato behind him with an expressionless face. Arlie seemed terrified and hid behind him.

"No. But my inner thoughts told me to." Maymoona glared at him.

"Maymoona..." I peer at her. Sir Immortia grabbed her hair and looked into her eyes. "Do not disobey, child." He sneered. "I won't hesitate to kill you." Maymoona winced as he groped tighter but she didn't say anything.

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