Book Review - The Elf Witch

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At Shut Up and Write, books are our favourite companions. This week, J, our group moderator, took the time to review a book that caught her attention - The Elf Witch by jacquelyngilmore

The cover of this book is a sight to behold. It is vibrant, bold, and impeccably designed, with a professional touch that immediately draws the reader in. The blurb is equally impressive, as it provides a concise yet intriguing summary of the events that unfold within the pages, without giving away any spoilers.

As soon as you delve into the first chapter, you are greeted with a vivid and detailed description that showcases the author's impressive writing skills. The use of the "show, don't tell" technique is spot on, and the brevity of the sentences used only serves to increase the reader's curiosity and engagement. It's a rare treat to come across a writer of this calibre on Wattpad, and we can't help but wish for more such talented writers to join our community.

As the chapter progresses, we are introduced to the protagonist of the story, and we get a glimpse into her life and the unfortunate circumstances that she finds herself in. It's impossible not to feel empathy towards her, especially when we learn about the execution of her grandmother, which takes place even before the first scene of the book. This only serves to heighten the stakes and makes the reader eager to read on and see how the story unfolds.

Check out this great story and see for yourself how good it is.

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