Writer Spotlight

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Wattpad is a treasure trove of exceptional writers from diverse backgrounds and genres. In the latest edition of Plot Twist Magazine, group moderator J sat down with three outstanding writers, each with a unique style.

MikeMacColin is an imaginative fantasy writer who crafts captivating characters and tales set in his world of fantasy.

DylanyVillainy is a proud non-binary writer who has been a part of the Wattpad community for several years. Their writing delves into themes like LGBT romance and the paranormal, making them a voice for underrepresented communities.

deargodwhyamihere has a memorable username and is a young writer on Wattpad. Their works, including The Prince and the Punk, showcase their talent and creativity. These writers are an inspiration to aspiring writers everywhere, proving that with passion and hard work, anything is possible.

Tell us a little bit about yourself

DylanyVilliany: "I actually clean, and I do! His name is Spot, he's my sweet boy. I am from the US. I like writing because it allows me to feel like ""hey, i can make a difference. If someone reads this book and it makes them feel better, i did something good"". I have written, to datw, about 8 books i think? I have currently written Romance and Paranormal!"

MikeMacColin "I come from North Germany, basically right at the Danish border (on a good day I can see Denmark from my kitchen window). Apart from writing (I have finished ten books by now) and the usual time killers (video games and movies) I am also involved in a few tabletop RPG games and participate in only murder mystery games hosted on Discord.

MJ Cass I live in a small town in the U.S., and MJ Cass is not my real name. I've been reading and writing since forever, and in my spare time I do theatre and play softball. I sing and play guitar, and I spend obscene amounts of time watching movies/TV. I also bind books! I remove their covers and put the text blocks in brand new handmade hardcovers.

What are you currently writing?

DylanyVillainy: A new witchy book! Currently, the firsy chapter and prolouge is posted, and im excited to write more!

MikeMacColin "The fantasy comedy novel ""... And A Shiny New Sword - The Tale of Garbus The Malcontent"

MJ Cass I'm currently doing a major developmental edit on my debut novel, The Prince and the Punk (for which I am desperately trying to find a better title). And when I say major, I mean MAJOR-as in, I've gone back and rewritten from scratch. I'm also I'm the early stages of drafting a play for a theatre-focused capstone project!

Describe the [book/series] in 10 words or less for people who are just learning about it.

DylanyVillainy: A group of friends get trapped in haunted town?

MikeMacColin: Noble hero gets angry, takes over kingdom.

MJ Cass: A girl, a prince, and the space war between them.

Who are your main characters and why are they worth reading about?

DylanyVilliany: In my current book, my mains are Lye, Date, and Patrick. If you want real, living characters who relate to and connect with you, then they are worth reading about!

Plot Twist Magazine issue #1Where stories live. Discover now