Immortal Cultivation Academy

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After the great and divine sign of the reborn phoenix, a flower called purple rose which looks withered in the demon realm started to bloom again. The supreme lord of the demon realm smiled to himself and said the Phoenix reappears in the mortal world again. And immediately he called for his assistant and arranged spies to go and find out who is the phoenix.

 Meanwhile in the heavenly realm, the heavenly emperor asked his first son Stanley, the red sun god which was born to him by his late wife. He assigned him the mission of looking for the true phoenix and bringing it under the control of the immortal realm so the demon realm won't have it in their control. He asked his younger son Alfred, the leader of the imperial guards of the heavenly realm to assist him in the mission. But Stanley isn't happy about it for a reason, but won't say it even when asked by his brother Alfred. Just then his other brother Frank, the rain god and his cousin sister Alice, came to bid him farewell on his mission. And they said goodbyes. 

 The next day Linda went to visit her mother and little brother at home to say goodbye before leaving for the academy but it wasn't pleasant. Mom! Mom! I got an admission into the Immortal Cultivation Academy, our fate can be changed. Immortal Cultivation Academy? Asked her mother. Don't go! Why? Linda asked. And her mother replied her saying "what kind of place do you think immortal Cultivation Academy is? What if your identity is exposed?" Don't worry mom I won't get exposed, said Linda. Okay since you want to get me and your brother killed let me kill you now instead! Her mother immediately drew a long sweeping broom and started to hit Linda. Then her little brother interfered and stopped their mother. Why did you stop me? She asked. Don't you know she caused the death of your father and grandfather before you were even born? I only know sister is good to me, he said. Later on after promising to come back to visit them again after sometime she would have spent in the academy, Linda sneakily left the house. Promising her mother in her heart to do very well in the academy and apologizing to her mother for leaving without saying goodbye.

 After arriving at the academy, they introduced their selves to one another and the immortal Alfred who is the red sun god Stanley, was introduced as their teacher.

 The red sun god looked so handsome that he caught the eye of Emerald but it seemed like Linda caught his attention the most which made Emerald unhappy but anyways there is a long way ahead and she will try her best in cultivating and win the teacher over. 

 Stanley gave them a few beginner lessons and asked them to submit their existence measuring stone so he can measure them to know who is most likely an immortal.

 At the academy, Linda was still used as a maid. So when she wanted to bring her master's clothes to him she knocked on the door but her master doesn't respond until she just pushed the door open. Her master was utterly surprised because he knows clearly that he cast a spell on the door which will make it impossible for anyone to come in, so he immediately hid the stones. Teacher I brought your clothes Linda told him. After she kept the clothes and was about to leave, he asked her how she got in and she replied saying "I knocked and walked in". Then he immediately caught her unawares by holding her hand, turned her around and checked her bones but only found she is a mere mortal. Linda made a face at him, stomped her feet and walked away angrily.

 From that day onward, Stanley always paid close attention to Linda. This made Emerald angry and jealous but she tries to hide it always. She started seeing Linda as a hindrance to her success.

 All the students in immortal Cultivation Academy where doing well especially Emerald and everyone was guessing she was the phoenix. It all started when their teacher Alfred taught them how to make out something from nothing using their spiritual powers. While others made different things, Emerald made a phoenix feather. This only made everyone believe that Emerald is the true phoenix.

 The supreme lord of the demon realm still had some doubt about Emerald being the true phoenix so he immediately possessed Linda and used her as a weapon. Linda rushed towards Emerald with full force and speed, emitting a strong devilish energy and grabbed her by the throat, squeezing her neck so badly that it could kill her. The other students rushed to save Emerald but the strong devilish energy emitting from Linda was to powerful for them to handle. They held her tightly and pulled but she just waved her hand and boom all of them fell to the ground in full force.

 Stanley wanted to make a move but there was something about Linda that kept disturbing him and making him dizzy, like it was a past they shared together but forgotten in the depths of his memories. He only managed to make a move and knocked Linda out.

 Her childhood friend Robb, whom she had an engagement with in the past was shocked! He took Emerald to go and take a rest, meanwhile Stanley took Linda to his chambers so he can cast out the spell of the demon on her. His spiritual strength got weak doing that so he fainted.

 When Linda got up, she saw him lying on the ground where he fainted and rushed to him, shaking him with all her but he didn't wake up. But just as she was about to give him a mouth to mouth resuscitation he opened his eyes. Both of them where shocked and looked at each other awkwardly. How are you feeling? Stanley asked. I'm fine teacher, thank you teacher for saving me, Linda said gratefully. What about you? Why did you faint? Don't worry am fine, Stanley said.

 At the door Emerald saw all this and became very angry she couldn't believe this! Linda you forced me. She told herself and walked away.

 Linda hasn't been doing well in cultivating, she had the weakest cultivation among all the students. Her teacher has used many ways to try and make her learn but she wasn't progressing. But anyways the time of basic learning was soon over and their annual exams had begun, their parents were invited to attend. Linda went home to invite her mother but she refused to attend. So she went back to be alone in the exams. Her mother knew she could protect herself if anything happened so she didn't come along to avoid dragging her daughter down. 

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