Chapter 18: Development

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Bonnie had a new idol. Her first one was Gary, but she met him, so that quickly went out the drain. Then she saw Ash Ketchum battle. He was fluid, strong, smart, everything she wanted to be. And she saw him battle her "friends". He completely destroyed them without breaking a sweat. After she saw his Haxorus, she got battle fever.

And now Bonnie was battling him. She didn't have a chance, and she knew it. But she wanted to hit one of his pokemon, and maybe even knock one out. A fan can dream.

Ref: Trainers, light it up! I hope I don't get fired for this.

Bonnie: I chose you Dedenne!

Ash: Roserade.

Ref: Battle Begin!

Ash: Freestyle.

Bonnie: Nuzzle!

Roserade grinned. Freestyle means the pokemon could fight however they wished. And Roserade always loved to fight dirty. Dedenne was a small fighter, designed to make others weaker. But Roserade wasn't any fighter. She was an Ash pokemon, made and groomed to kill. And she loved what she could do.

They all do.

Dedenne covered herself in electricity and lunged at his opponent. Roserade smacked him away with her flower. The rat flew a little, and Rosrade fired 2 energy balls. One hit, but the other just graced.

Bonnie: Volt Switch!

The electric chain was fired, but Roserade just swatted it aside, and fired a sludge bomb. The move hit, but Dedenne was returned.

Bonnie: Goodra! Dragon Pulse!

Ash: Not the worst option she could have picked.

Roserade shook her head. It may be a pseudo legendary, but it was far from her master's Goodra. That beast could destroy a legendary with its bide. They fought from time to time, so Roserade knew her attacks would not do the most damage.

Roserade fired a Shadow Ball, which Goodra broke with its move. Roserade used it as a distraction to make the pokemon suffer. You need either big strong moves that do massive damage, or quick and decisive moves.

Roserade chose power.

Ash: My little plant, you're insane. And I'm all for it. Z-MOVE TWINKLE TACKLE! (I'm aware the name is weird but that's literally what's it called.

Roserade fires the move, and Goodra is launched about 30 feet into the air. But Roserades not done yet. She fires an Energy ball, followed by a Dazzling Gleam, then a Shadow Ball. When Roserade finally relents, there's a single drop of sweat. Goodra has fallen.

Bonnie: Wow. So powerful! Go Delphox!

Delhpox enters the arena and looks incredibly confused. She sees that this Roserade caused this much damage to the field and knocked out her friend. She fires a fire blast lazily, seeing her as no threat. But Roserade breaks it and fires a shadow ball.

Delphox is hit in the face, and skids for a bit. Another hit like that and she's done.

Bonnie: Psybeam!

Ash: Here we go. This is what we've trained for.

Roserade glared at her opponent, and simply disappeared. Bonnie, her opponent, and the crowd were all confused. But Roserade reappeared behind her opponent and fired a shadow ball. However, the plant looked worn out.

Ash: Well, done. Maybe if you get stronger, you can take Sceptiles place as an ace. But probably not.  Synthesis.  

Bonnie: How did he? Wait a second. Did roserade move, using the grass?

In fact, Roserade, along with some of Ash's other grass types, can move between plant life. And since there's grass on the field, he used it to his advantage.  While Bonnie was freaking out, Roserade was healing up.  

Bonnie: Dedenne?

As soon as Bonnie threw him out, roserade just fired a venoshock and the mouse fainted.

Bonnie: You are amazing! Milotic, Go! Aqua Tail!

Milotic made her tail blue and took a swipe at Roserades head. However again Roserade just hit it aside, and fired an energy ball. Miltoc stumbled for a second, but fired a jet of water. Roserade sidestepped and fired another energy ball. The attack landed, and the fish looked tired.

Milotic: Icy Wind!

Rosserade grinned at her opponent, like she was no threat. A cold chill was heading for the plant, but Roserade fired the final move of the match. An energy ball formed, and was heading right for Miltoc. The ball hit the wind, however it just spread through it and knocked out its opponent.

Ref: Miltoc is unable to battle, the winner is Roserade. So, the winner of the match is Ash Ketchum!

Bonnie sprinted over to her competitor and started talking.

Bonnie: Can I have your autograph?

Ash looks momentarily shocked and looks confused. He spread his mind and senses that his trainees and Sabrina were shocked to, and hoping he'd say yes. Ash was still confused but nodded. He got Bonnie's pen and signed her bag. Bonnie gave him a hug, which again confused him.


Ash was on the battlefield as usual, and saw his trainees and Sabrina walk up to him.

Sabrina: You're a lot stronger than you used to be Ash. I remember when me and you would battle, and it was half and half chance.

Ash: I've expanded my arsenal as well. However, trainees I have a question for you. Why did that girl hug me, and ask for an autograph? I've also noticed the crowd doesn't seem to hate me as much.

Brock: Well people noticed your take down of Iris. They think you could be a champion one day, so want to get in your good books. And about Bonnie-

Dawn: You're her idol. After she saw you beat up Misty. Bonnie loves battling, and you're the best at it. She adores you battling, and you guys battling today must make her the happiest person alive.

Sabrina: Ash, you're still incredibly stupid.

Ash: Incorrect. I'm just not used to kids actually liking me.

As the group was talking, one of Ash's pokeballs was shaking. Ash realized it, and out came an Alakazam. This one had a connection with Sabrina. The kanto psychic type was an Abra, treated by her and cared for by her when she was 11. However he wanted to go on adventures and be on a diverse team, so she gave him to Ash.

Alakazam looked at his old friend and bowed his head. Sabrina looked happy and bowed her head as well. Ash returned his pokemon. Sabrina seemed pretty happy after that. She always did blame herself for things, in her eyes, abandoning the abra.  

Super Nerd here.  I have 3 things to say.

1. My early chapters are not very good, so don't yell at me about all the plot holes and hard to follow etc

2.  This chapter is mostly development. Next chapter is full on Legendary brawl.  I can't have a super good, super long, super great chapter every time. 

3. Comment, vote, and have fun reading!

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