Chapter 31: Cost of Victory

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Ash had been thinking about the team in the robot. They seemed to be in a rival team, not with Silver. So Ash decided to seek them out. He knew they resided near the power plant, seeing as they attacked him there. When he blew them up, they mentioned team rocket. Ash tracked their explosion trail and found they landed near Saffron. The trainer tracked them for a little bit. They left a big trail, crushing plants and making a very large footprint trail.

Ash followed to an abandoned warehouse, and when he went inside, he saw the trio. They were playing cards, and the cat was winning. Ash announced him being there by sending out Magmortar, and the pokemon fired a flame thrower. The table, cards, and some of Jesse's hair was burnt. She screamed, turned around and saw the trainer. She remembered him well, and lunged at him. Ash froze all three.

Ash: I am not here to fight. I am here to give you an offer.

James: Make it quick!

Ash: I am in the middle of a war with team silver. I have 2 allies, so 3 more could help me greatly. You are known as team Rocket?

Meowth: That's right! We were part of team silver, but we left, starting our own team. It's just us. Wait, why am I telling you this!

Ash: My aura can make you tell things you don't want me to know. Ex-Silver grunts could be useful. Would you be willing to team up and take them out? I know you guys aren't bad, you just want respect. I can give you that, along with the spoils of this war.

Jesse: We want more! We'll join you on one more condition. We've seen the power of your team. Give me and Jesse three pokemon each of our choice!

Ash: No deal. But I can give you an egg of your choice. Here is what I have. *shows pokedex, minus legendaries

Jesse: DEAL!

Ash: Excellent! Give me your choices, and I'll have my ditto and the pokemon make you an egg.

James: Rotom, Alolan Sandslash, and Lycaroc.

Ash: She's off limits. Pick another.

James: Oh, then Swellow.

Jesse: My turn! Give me Flygon, Dragonite, and Mawile.

Ash: Rockets don't fail me. And Meowth, for you when I've deemed you helped me enough, I will make you shiny.

Meowth: Deal Deal DEAL!

Ash: I'm going to go pick up my allies, and we are going to blow up the Kanto base. While we do that, you will try to find the Hoenn base. Are we agreed? And you will get one of the pokemon I promised you after one successful mission.

James: Agreed.

Ash nods and teleports himself to the Celedon gambling corner. Next to him are Riley and Sabrina. But for some reason, Brock and Erica were there too. Ash raised his eyebrow, so the duo explained themselves.

Brock: Sabrina said I could come!

Erica: This is my city, I'm going to defend it.

Ash: Fine. Just know, I'm in charge.

Before Riley could protest, Ash walked into the casino. He looked around and saw a man dressed in a white trench coat, and it looked like he had a big silver s on it. He was in front of the poster, and it looked like he was guarding it. Ash grinned and walked up to the man. He tapped him, and the man passed out. Riley teleported the body to the dumpster out back.

Sabrina tore the poster away and there was a lever. She pulled it and a hidden trapdoor was revealed.

Ash: Riley, stay here. Guard the door. No one in or out, unless they're us. Got it?

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