Chapter 20: I Want To Know

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Chapter 20

I Want To Know

I sat quietly on my couch just staring straight ahead. The adrenaline that came from earliers little show down has long gone left, and I just feel bad. I feel bad for letting Gina get under my skin enough to push me to wanna put my damn hands on her, and I feel bad for acting out in general. Worst of all I feel bad for yelling at my dad. I'm hoping that he just has a really good explanation for everything.

"How you feelin' baybeh?" August asked.

I shrugged, and looked over at him. "Fine I guess. I feel bad for snapping on everyone though."

"You shouldn't. Home girl shouldn't have said none of the shit she said to you, you had erry right ta go upside her head. The shoe and all." He stated. I started laughing at him, and he joined in too.

"That was a bit much, but you wouldn't let me go, and just get one more hit!"

"Aye! I was movin' as slow as I could the first time ta give you some time ta get her ass. That was yo daddy that stopped that one."

I laughed again, and shook my head. Swear he is probably the only person that could make this situation funny, and I can't stress enough how much I've appreciated him throughout all of this. He didn't have to come and put all his little stuff aside to help me with everything. I appreciate it a lot, and it just makes my feelings for him grow.

"Well thank you baby, it's appreciated, but now I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I pointed out as I stood up off of the couch.

"Why am I gettin' kicked out?"

"Because my daddy is on his way, and I kind of want to have this talk with him one-on-one."

Aug nodded, and got up from the couch as well, and hobbled his way to the door, and I followed behind. He opened it, and stepped out before turning to me, and grabbing my chin to give me a kiss. I smiled liking the feelings of his lips, and then we both pulled away.

"I'll see you lata baybeh. If you need me I'm gone be up at the dorms tanight gettin' it in."

My mouth fell open and I slapped his arm making him laugh. "August, that is not funny!"

"Yes it is, but I'm playin' ma, but I really will be at the dorms tanight if you need me."

"Okay. I probably won't need you, I'll just call up some other dude." I smirked. His face dropped and I laughed at him.

"Yup, laugh it up. Jus' give me anotha reason ta be wit' yo ass all day erryday."

"I'm playin', but I'll call you later."

"Iight. Peace out. I luh-- Uhm bye." He stuttered before leaving from the doorway and down the steps.

I was confused as to where he was going with that, but decided not to get into it, and get my hopes up as to where I thought he was going with that. I walked back to the couch, but didn't make it before my door opened back up, and daddy stepped in.

He was holding a bag from the Cheesecake Factory and what looked like a photo album as he stepped in and closed the door behind him. He held the bag up, and smiled lightly. "Got your favorite."

I didn't respond, and his face fell into a frown as he came over to the couch, and dropped the bag onto the coffee table and sat down next to me. He looked up at me, and I could see straight away that he felt bad, but so do I.

"Uhm so where would you like to begin?" He asked.

It was a great question. I didn't know what I wanted to know first. It was a toss up between her name, and why he lied to me. The second option seems to be the one beating in my brain all the time so I'll take that one.

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