Chapter 22: It's Over Now

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Chapter 22

It's Over Now
O'Shae ; 1 Month Later

"How's it feel?" I asked August while we walked out of the Physical Therapist office.

Today he got his brace off, and basically got the go ahead to do a little more, and move further in the healing process. I know he's excited because he hated that damn brace and hated being restricted to a bunch of stuff so he's probably gonna act a fool. It's cool though, if he's happy I'm happier.

"It feel great!" He cheesed. I laughed, and walked with him back to our car, but he tried to skip the rest of the way.

"August stop before you have to go back in there!"

"No I got it." He called over his shoulder right before he went down.

I screamed scared for him as I rushed over to where he was rolling around on the ground. "Aug are you okay? Did your knee crack again?" I freaked out.

He didn't say anything, just kept rolling around hissing in pain, but soon it turned into laughter and he was cracking up. Once I realized that he tricked me I started hitting him while he was still on the ground. Many people were driving past looking at us crazy, but it's whatever.

"Why would you do that you butt!" I laughed while I kept hitting him.

He managed to get up, and wrap his arms around me trying to hug me while we both still laughed. Im sure this looks ridiculous to anyone driving past or just walking out of the building, but neither of us really cared.

"I'm sorry!"

"No put me down! I thought I was going to have to take you back in there."

He put me back down and kissed me on the head before laughing again. I punched him in the stomach, but it of course made no difference. We both made it to the car and got in before heading back towards Aug's house. I'm going to drop him off there and then just chill out at my apartment with Bria, Dink and Corina. We all are just going to have a movie night, and eat pizza at my house. I haven't had pizza since Aug's been around because he's had me on a home cooked meal diet since he's been around.

I miss my pizza.

"So whatchu doin' tanight ma?" He asked while putting his hand on the back of my neck and lightly massaging it.

"Movie night with Dink, Corina, and my cousin."

"Yea, so you wasn't gone invite yo boy?"

"Uhm you said you had plans with Travis mister so don't come at me like that."

"Whateva, I was jus' testin' you ta make sho' you was listenin' ta me." He explained. I rolled my eyes and chuckled a little bit.

"You been feelin' like I don't pay attention to you enough baby?" I teased in a baby voice.

"Yes actually, I've been feelin' neglected."

"Aww I'm sorry baby, Whatchu want me to do to make you feel loved?" I asked as I rubbed on his chest.

He grabbed his chin hair and started playing with it like he was thinking. I could only imagine his ideas of choice.

"We could start wit' some head, that'd be great." He joked.

I shook my head expecting something on that level. He started laughing at his own joke, but I knew it held some truth to it. I mean we've been together for close to three months, and I haven't gave it up. That sounds crazy to any other college students, but I just hold some type of standard for myself in that department. I don't want to just give myself to him this early in our relationship. If there's one thing that I've tried to follow strictly as someone that goes to church is to save my virginity until I get married. Not saying it's easy by any means or if I'll even be able to hold out, but in trying.

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