Chapter 32: It's a Pride Thing

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Chapter 32

It's a Pride Thing

"Can you pass me a few of those boxes." I asked one of my Co-Workers.

She bent down and grabbed the three shoe boxes off of the ground for me and handed them to me. I checked their sizes and put them in their place before stepping down off of the latter. Today has been an excruciatingly slow day, and I'm ready to get home, but even when I get home it's going to be more work for me. I have a presentation to start, and some homework to do. Just thinking about everything that I have to do makes my damn head hurt.

"Yo Shae!" Another co-worker called while I left out of the back room.


He came and slid In front of the counter and smirked at me. I could only imagine what Maurice had to say to me. He's a clown so I expect it to be a joke. "What's up with your girl Corina, you think you can hook me up wit' little shorty?" He questioned.

I looked up from the shoe catalog on the counter, and shook my head. "Can't help you there Moe. I don't talk to her anymore, and she's dating your boy Raheem, so."

"Damn for real? When all this happen?"

"I don't know, like a couple weeks ago. I thought you'd hear about it by now. You know that's your boy and all."

Maurice stood up and shook his head. "Naw. You ain't hear? My mans been gone for a few weeks now."

"A few weeks, Why?" I asked.

Since I've been back I haven't heard a thing about Raheem being gone. Hell I haven't heard anything from or about him since I came up to the hospital. If he's gone God knows what has happened. I just pray it has nothing to do with his little drug shit.

Moe shrugged and grabbed the boxes that Trina brought over. He put them on the counter and looked down at me. "Shit I don't know. I thought you might."

"Nope, this is the first I'm hearing of this at all." I admitted, still confused as to where Rah could be.

I know I shouldn't give a red fuck, blue fuck, or green one as to where he is or if he's okay, but it's in my nature to worry about where he is when things like this come up. He's been missing for days before and I learned that he would be on a little drug binge in those time periods, I hope that it's not that again.

"Maybe you should go check up on yo boy then." he offered.

I shook my head thinking about it. If I were to even truly think about going anywhere near Rah, August would have my head. I know he really doesn't want me near him, and honestly I don't care enough to go check up on him. I just want to know that he's not out laying next to a dumpster high off of some drug that's all.

"Naw, his girlfriend can do that. If you run into Corina you should ask her where he's been." I dismissed the conversation and walked over to some customers that had walked into the store.

"Hi, welcome to FootLocker. Is there anything I can help yall find?"

The customers looked over at me and shook their heads, but only one answered me. "Naw ma, we good. Thanks though." He smiled.

"Okay, let me know if you need help."

"Oh I will." He replied.

I lightly smiled and turned on my heel to go help some other people who had walked in. Even while I was helping them my mind drifted back to Raheem, and where he could be. Ive really got to stop this ; I've got to stop carrying about him. Its just kind of hard when that's all I did for years on end, care, and help him. It's weird to leave that type of relationship and get into one with someone like August, someone who has it together and someone who I can lean on instead of having them lean on me. Its nice, and that's all that I need to be focused on. Not Raheem.

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