Chapter 30: Its All Love

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Chapter 30

It's All Love

"Come on sweetheart." Mama instructed as she grabbed my hand pulling me into the house where my grandma lived.

As soon as we stepped through the door there were all types of kids, and older people walking around. One woman caught sight of us all walking in, and squealed making everyone turn to look at us.It was three women in particular that made their way over to us, and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh Anya, she's gorgeous!" One of them complimented after they all let go. I realized she kind of looked like mama so I assumed it was one of my aunts.

When I looked at the other woman I noticed her from the hospital video, knowing for sure that she was one of my Aunts. She was crying as she looked at me, and then pulled me back into another hug. "I can't even believe you're here. " She whispered.

Many more people came up to speak to me after that, and I couldn't believe all the love from all of these people that had never met me before. All these people that are my family. I can't believe how many of them there are and the resemblance between many of them and I share. A lot of my female cousins and I looked a like, and I found that funny.

They soon all sat me down to ask me things about America and how I like Atlanta and to tell me all about life here. Everything sounded amazing, and all of us ended up sharing some laughs. I was just enjoying being around everyone.

"Where is mama?" My mama asked while looking around the room.

It took me a minute, but I did realize that maw-maw wasn't anywhere to be found throughout this whole time. That's another person I'm looking forward to meeting.

"Uhm she went out to go get some food for Shae. She said she wanted her to try everything." My aunt explained.

Mama shook her head chuckling while daddy did the sane. On top of every good thing, mama and daddy have been so happy with one and other the whole time we've been here. It's like watching a fairy tale or something. To see both of my parents with one and other for the first time in years being with one and other like they never left each other's side. It's beautiful and I'm in love with their love because I know it's still there.

Soon enough the front door opened, and when we all looked over it was an older short woman with my exact eyes. She looked directly at me, and smiled before motioning me over. I immediately got up and raced over to her letting her embrace me in a tight hug.

"I knew you'd come back to us." She whispered in my ear.

She pulled away, and smirked at me before grabbing my hand, and the grocery bags she dropped. She pulled me into the kitchen, and turned to me with a broad smile.

"I am so excited tat you are here baby gal. You don't undastand what tis means for the family. For your mother. She has been so empty without you, you will now fill her with happiness." She told me.

I smiled at her words liking to hear that although it did make me feel sad a little that my mother had felt so bad without being in my life. None of that matters anymore though, now I have my mother in my life, and vice versa. I couldn't be anymore excited than I am now.

"I'm happy to be here." was the only thing I could get out.

"We're happy to have you back."


After maw-maw and all the women helped make dinner. My oldest cousin drove me back to the hotel to grab my swim stuff, and now all of us were getting ready to go hangout outside. Maw-maw's house is directly on the beach so all the older people encouraged us to go for a night swim, and I think it will be fun. I got my bathing suit on, and thought I looked pretty good, and clearly so did Anisha.

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