I See Fire

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"We have a fire to put out, Hollan."

The last thing I need is Richard on my ass. Luckily, my hot-headed manager still has 4 more days of vacation in Mexico, so tuning him out on FaceTime was much easier than in person. Richard kept the call short so he could go back to his partner on the beach.

If only Trisha would go on vacation once in a while.

It didn't take long for my name to show up in the tabloids, breaking the internet this morning.

Monday is already starting off amazing....

"I mean, come ON, look at the damn photo. There's no way they can make this into a believable story. " Trying to read the article under the photo, I lean against the desk, looking over Trisha's shoulder to see the laptop in front of us. She pushes her chair forward into the desk to get a closer look.

The conference room at the studio is empty, with Richard being away and the news just breaking this morning. It's just Trisha and myself right now.

"This is ridiculous. How can you tell anyone's doing anything from this shot. You can clearly see I'm helping her in the car."

"You know that, and I know that, but do you think anyone is going to care? This just doesn't look good."

It's 11am, and I already feel exhausted, I can't imagine what my my agent and my publicist must be going through. Fortunately, they were right on top of the media news. I apparently have already denied these allegations - before I even woke up and knew about this.

There's nothing I can do but stand here and obsess over this article, now all over the internet within a few hour's time.

"I can't fucking look at this anymore." I reach over Trisha to shut the laptop, and look out the window to the parking lot.

"You said you were careful."

"And I was, all I did was give her a ride home. The lot was completely empty." I feel a headache starting and have a long day ahead. "There were no other cars there."

"You just need to be on high alert from this point on. One story leads to more, and you don't need this type of media attention." Trish looks at her phone and abruptly grabs her coat.

"Shit. I'm gonna be late. I have a meeting with your event coordinator in 15 minutes. Text me later."

And just like that she's gone.

Once I'm alone in the room I go back to the desk and sit. Usually, I don't bother reading what the Media says about my life, but for some reason I let this write-up consume me. I open the laptop and the article stares me in the face, waiting for me to read it for the third time in an hour.

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{{Celebrity Heartthrob Nate Hollan Gets Hot and Heavy With New Woman In His Life.

The pop sensation Singer-Songwriter Nate Hollan and winning contestant of "America's Voice" Bucket List contest, Julia Moretti, were seen being intimate outside Modern Record Studios this weekend.

Photos capture the two holding and kissing each other in the empty parking lot Friday evening.

30 year old singer Nate Hollan, born in London, rose to fame after releasing his single- "Broken Tomorrows"
which held the all-time American Billboard record with 21 weeks atop the charts.

His debut album landed Hollan two nominations and took home the Top New Artist Award in 2016.
The singer has also taken home the Songwriter of the Year Award in 2019, Top Radio Songs Artist, 2021.
And Top Male Artist in 2023.

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