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It's two in the morning, and both me and Julia are now in detox mode. I never fell into a deep sleep because my headache started gradually getting worse, but Julia woke up ten minutes ago vomiting. Both of us are clammy, shaky, and anxious.

Jonah has his work cut out for him tonight. The hospital is short staffed as it is,  but Jonah was able to call in  to get an extra pair of hands to cover the rest of his patients. Why he would want to be stuck with me and Julia is beyond me, but I've grown to like him and rather have one nurse the entire time verses a bunch of nurses coming in and out. When this is over, that guy is getting a check for all his hard work. We sure as hell are not making this easy.

Poor Jules is having a major panic attack while throwing up. Zofran was administered quickly for me because the nurse said if I vomited right after having my surgery, I could tear shit up inside and pop my stitches out. Jules was also given Zofran, but she threw up shortly after. 

I have pillows propping me up in bed, and all I can do is watch her get sick while I shake and sweat. My blood pressure is through the roof, and the damn machine keeps going off on me.

"Oh my God, I can't take this!" Julia cries in the middle of vomiting. She's sitting on her bed leaning over away from me while holding a bucket. 

"Can't you give her something?!" My eyes follow Jonah, who walks into the bathroom to wet a cloth.

"She threw up her Zofran, so I'm waiting on another order to come, though." He says calmly, but I can tell two detox patients at one time is something he's never dealt with. "You need to tell me if you think you're feeling nauseous, though. I'm more worried about you getting sick. You have to let me know right when you feel anything, ok? I'm serious." 

I nod but then look at Julia, who is hunched over more.

"I think I'm gonna pass out..." Julia announces, already leaning forward with her bucket as it is.

"Shit!" Jonah runs over to her just in time, but the bucket falls, emptying all its contents on the hospital floor. Fortunately, Julia hasn't been eating much, so it's all liquid from her IV.

Julia rests her forehead on the nurses chest while he steps over the mess on the floor to  get her situated.

"I need a damn raise." Jonah says under his breath. He slams on the call button to get help  while he lays Jules down on her side.  

Thanks to a fan finding a way to weasel up to my floor, security has been extra tight, and even nurses can't just run into my room as needed. They have to pull out their ID and get checked on the attendance sheet  every single time, so it takes a little longer for Pam, the other nurse, to come in.

"Sorry... they don't make it easy to get into this room." The heavy middle-aged brunette says. 

"She keeps passing out. Dropped the pan on the ground. Can you manually check his BP? It's rising." Jonah's words rush out. "And call maintenance to come clean this? "

"My Lord, Jonah, you've got your hands full tonight!" She picks up the phone to  get someone to clean up the floor and then heads to me.

"This is not how I wanted to meet THE Nate Hollan, I can tell you that much." She jokes while resetting the monitor and listening to my heart. "What are your symptoms, hun? You don't feel like you're going to vomit at all, do you? You need to tell us right away."

I swear the more they keep reminding me, the more I feel like I'm gonna throw up!

"No. I.. I can't stop this shaking, though. There's gotta be something that can be done. I'm freezing and sweating, and my head is pounding." Something doesn't feel right. Jonah said my detox was supposed to be gradual. I feel like I've been hit by a truck.

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