This City

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It's almost noon, and he's fifteen minutes late now. I sit back pretending to like this God awful coffee in the café, while Trisha tries calling Nate again.

We have a meeting scheduled to go over some interviews for next week that are planned, and Nate has yet to show up. I wait patiently, thinking of last night.

James didn't sleep over last night, and even though I wanted him to stay, I didn't tell him. He had to go back to his place to take care of his dog, so now we are back to "Friend Mode."" This is the first time we are doing this, so I'm unsure what it will be like the next time I see him.

I look around the dead café and back at Trisha, who is clearly annoyed at Nate. Even though these meetings are always casual, she dresses top-notch like she would if it were the producer coming. Today, she's wearing a pink and white pinstriped button-down dress shirt tucked into a black pencil skirt. Always with jewelry, always showing some cleavage. Always in  black or nude nylons, always in high heels. Her shoulder-length blonde hair is wavy and down today. I'm envious of her perfection.

I, on the other hand, don't even own many dressy clothes to begin with, nor am I comfortable in them. Maybe it's an L.A. thing. I am wearing plain black leggings, a light pink oversized scoop neck top with a white tank underneath and white canvas shoes. My long dark hair in a loose low braid off one shoulder. Me and Trisha are the complete opposite .

"I knew this would happen after last night. Sorry he's late." Trisha apologizes for her boss and friend. She hangs up the phone and puts it on the table, stirring her coffee. She's irritated and for good reason. Nate isn't known to be very late to things.

"Knew what would happen?" I perk up a little being nosy.

"Ugh. That kid drives me nuts. I had to pick him up from Sullivan's once again after he gets plastered and fucks some waitress." Trisha says nonchalantly like it's no big deal.


I look away and pretend to drink my coffee, feeling the painful lump in my throat. I can't be mad. He is doing exactly what I'm doing. But the sadness I feel becomes unbearable. I pushed him to do that. We both sabotaged any hopes of making things work between us now and it hurts... Because I love him. He knows this, but we continue to tear each other apart with our actions and words.

We are over. Everything is done now. I need to escape this place before I burst into tears in front of Nate's personal assistant.

"You know what, I'm actually not feeling great." I abruptly stand up, swiping a tear away in hopes Trisha didn't notice. "I'm so sorry, I gotta go." I rush to the exit not giving Trisha a chance to even respond. I don't look back or say anything more. I keep my eyes down and push open the café door, grateful to be outside. I turn left and bump into someone, making me look up.

Nate. He sees my tears, but I rush out without a word and cross the busy street to my parked car.


"What was that all about?" I look over at Trisha, who just waves me off.

"I don't know, you're late, and she doesn't feel good, so she left. Meeting's over Hollan." She looks down at her phone.

"What did she say?" I don't sit down.

"Nothing. I apologized for you being so fucking late after hooking up with some waitress and she left." Her eyes still glued to the phone not realizing the impact of her words. Trisha is still pissed at me for getting drunk the way I did. She's been on me about this becoming an issue, and I do nothing to try to change my ways.

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