Call Me

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I pack up the last of my shit and look around the room. God, I can't wait to leave.

Jonah taps on the frame of the open door a few times while walking by my hospital room.

"Just waiting for the doctor to sign off on the discharge papers, and you'll be free to go." He says in passing. I nod and sit on the bed.

I won't miss this place and the staff here won't miss me. The chaos I caused in just a few days, just by being me, was unwanted. The doctors and nurses will be glad to be able to walk to the main entrance without a line of fans and into the building without having to go through extensive security.

"You good, Nate?" Trisha looks up from her phone. She's back to work mode, dressed in a light pink skirt and grey button-down blouse tucked in. Her hair straightened, and make up is done to perfection.

"Yeah." I slump down a little and pinch the tension between my eyes.

"You're not. What's the matter? You should be happy you get to break out of here WITH the Doctor's permission this time." She teases, but it falls flat.

"I guess I just thought she'd pop in one last time." I look away. "I don't know why I thought that. I'm the one who left her in the middle of the night. But not even a text? Nothing." Julia's flight home was yesterday. I texted twice. She opened my messages, so I know she landed fine, but she never responded back.

Trisha shifts in her seat like she's got something to say but is afraid to say it. I can tell. I squinted my eyes at her, and she noticed.


"Don't be mad." She bites the inside of her cheek and bounces her left knee a little. I know this look. She did something.

"What did you do.. Trisha.."

"Ok, so..." She stalls. "I may have told Julia not to come here."

My eyes widen at her confession.

"WHAT?!?" I yell too loudly for this environment. "Why the hell would you do that??" I stand up and start pacing, not caring that my heart is beating out of my chest. I can feel the blood boil in my veins and the heat rise to my face. She's crossed the line with this one. I've never been so mad at her in my life.

"Sweetie, listen to me." She stands up and gets in my path, but I bypass her and continue pacing the small room. "I knew it'd upset you. You'd fall apart. Your blood pressure would go through the roof. It's better this way. Nate, just let her go.."

"I can't believe you fucking did that. Trish. Christ." I rub my face feeling my overgrown stubble from being in the hospital and glare at her. "Get out."

"Nate. C'mon.." She downplays the situation. I stop pacing and look at my personal assistant slash best friend. The person who's supposed to be there for me, not make matters worse.

"I'm so fucking serious right now, Trisha. Find something to do. GET OUT!" I point to the door. Like always, Trisha is unfazed by my stern tone. She gives me a sigh and rolls her eyes before grabbing her shit and leaving the room.

I scramble to find my phone near my bag.

[Jules please text me back?? Trisha just confessed to telling you to not come say goodbye. I'm sorry, love. I had no idea. Please call me back?]

C'mon Jules. I throw my phone with my stuff and sit on the bed.

"Alrighty. Lets check your BP one last time while we wait." Jonah comes back in, less energetic and looking wiped from working a double. As selfish as it sounds, I'm glad he pulled a double so I could see him one last time.

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