What? You Suck You Say?

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If you're here reading this, then you PROBABLY suck. Or, you are wanting to better yourself as a writer; maybe you're already awesome enough, and just wanted some tips that could make you even more amazing. I am in no way qualified to give some amazing tips. But, I can try! Because I suck too!

For whatever reason, you are HERE. Not in another book, but this one.

I will warn you, this book is for people who want to writer better, and become better. I know myself that I suck sometimes, and the books I published are pretty much garbage, (not really but most of those were from when I was younger). I don't post my newer works, and I wish I could. Although I will have little passages of them, just to show you I'm not a bluff.

Anyway, if you guys have any suggestions for what you want me to touch on, feel free to message me.

Okay! You're here to learn, not to listen to me ramble about random stuff.

Let's write!

~ Absolutely_Positive

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